شيعي حسيني
رقم العضوية : 30600
الإنتساب : Feb 2009
المشاركات : 7,005
بمعدل : 1.19 يوميا
كاتب الموضوع :
إشـ ولاء ـراقة
المنتدى :
المنتدى العام
بتاريخ : 04-01-2010 الساعة : 02:00 PM
اقتباس :
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة إشـ ولاء ـراقة
[ مشاهدة المشاركة ]
يلا أموله جبت لج إختبار جديد مثل ما طلبتي،
و طبعا هنا لازم تقدرين تميزين بين الأزمنة Past tense & Present perfect tense
بسم الله نبدأ
تسلمين حبيبتي
.Mohammed ______ (live) in Iraq for the past 15 years
a) has lived
b) lived
c) lives
.Sarah______ (work) for KPMG before she came to work with us
a) works
b) worked
c) has worked
?Dad______ (you/finish) reading the paper yet
a) did you finish
b) are you finishing
c) have you finished
.I would love to visit Karbalaa sometime. Unfortunately, I _______ (be/never) there
a) have never been
b) was never
c) will never be
.Ali _____ (play) soccer for five years when he _____ (be) at school
a) has played - was
مااعرف هنا غير بعد ال was فعل بي ing
b) played - was
c) has played - has been
Can you help me? I _____ (finish) my homework, but I still don’t understand this question
a) have finished
b) didn't finish
c) finish
.I _____ (work) in Sydney for 5 years. I _____ (begin) work as soon as I arrived
a) work - began
b) have worked - have begun
c) have worked - began
I’m afraid I’m not hungry. I _____ (eat/already). s
a) didn't eat aleady
b) have already eaten
c) haven't already eaten
When Jack was at school, he ____ (learn) to play the piano. He ____ (play) it ever since
a) has learned - has played
b) learned - has played
c) learned - played
Could you give me some advice? I ________ (buy) this sweater at Macy’s yesterday. Do you think I should take it back? s
a) bought
b) have bought
c) buyed
عندي شك بالاختيار الثني هو الصح
نكتفي بهذا القدر حاليا إن شاء الله، ا:rolleyes:
موفقة عزيزتي
اذا اكو اغلاط فبيني وبينج سامحيني وعبريها:o