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عضو متواجد
رقم العضوية : 65440
الإنتساب : Apr 2011
المشاركات : 100
بمعدل : 0.02 يوميا

الرووحانية غير متصل

 عرض البوم صور الرووحانية

  مشاركة رقم : 11  
كاتب الموضوع : ربيبة الزهـراء المنتدى : منتدى الجهاد الكفائي
قديم بتاريخ : 30-04-2011 الساعة : 07:24 AM

هذا نص الرسالة اتمنى ارسالها لاكبر عدد من الاصدقاء الى ايميل مدير الاتحاد الاوربي


Dear Mr president we urge and we appeal to stand and save human life we have very serious danger issue we need from you immediate action to stop the execution
its is something,we are sure you don,t know about it, Because if you know you will never sit and watch …..
7 Innocent Bahrain citizens Will be prosecuted and forced to sign on papers Forced to confess under torture crimes or things did not made it they be executed please save the lives of these poor innocent people we know how much you are busy we wont explain and tell you now about what they have committed against us but in short description there is genocide been committed by the hands of Saudi and braininess dictator brutal regimes
the 7 persons are:
Ali Abdullah Hassan Singace,
and Qasim Hassan Mattar, Ahmed, Saeed Abdul Jalil Saeed, and Isa Abdullah Kazim Ali, and Abdul Aziz Abdul Redha Ibrahim Hussein, and Mr. Sadiq Ali Mahdi, Hussein Jaafar Abdul Karim, in The killing of police officers perspective Kashif Ahmad, Mohamed Farouk Samad
children attacked at school hitting and torturing them
killing under torture detainees
little innocent girl 20 year old name ayat al qormoze been detained reason she read poem in protest since 2 months and we don't know anything about her life we need your EU help to stop that genocide please you are the only hope
thank you
people of Bahrain


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0 و هل يتورع النظام البحريني عن قتل مشيمع ؟
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