شيعي حسيني
رقم العضوية : 480
الإنتساب : Oct 2006
المشاركات : 18,076
بمعدل : 2.69 يوميا
المنتدى :
المنتدى العام
دعاء سمات باللغة الانگلیزیه
بتاريخ : 14-02-2007 الساعة : 08:46 PM
Allah! I beseech Thee through Thy Name, the most great, the most majestic, the most magnificent and the most noble.
If Thou art requested therewith to open the closed doors of the sky these will open with Thy mercy. If Thou art requested thereby to remove the narrowness of the doors of the heaven, they will be opened wide. If Thou art requested thereby to make easy the difficulty, it will be easy.
If Thou art requested thereby to restore the dead to life, they will wise from their graves. If Thou art requested thereby to remove misery and adversity, they will be removed. I beseech Thee through the Majesty of Thy person, the Most Generous and the Most Honoured One, before Whom everybody bows down in submission and all necks bend down in reverence and through fear of Whom all voices become humbled and all hearts tremble; and I beseech Thee through Thy Might, which prevents the sky from falling on the earth except with Thy permission, and which controls all the heavens and the earth so closely that they cannot move away from their positions; and I beseech Thee through they Will, which the whole world obeys, and through Thy Word.
By which Thou hath created the heaven and the earth, and through Thy Wisdom, with which Thou hath created wonderful, and with which Thou created Darkness and made it Night, and made night the time of quiet and rest; and with which Thou created Light and made it Day, and made day the time of movement and observation; and with which Thou hath created the Sun, and made the sun of