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المنتدى : منتدى الجهاد الكفائي
Exclamation أدخل لنصرة أخواننا في أرض الرساله المحمديه ضد الوهابيه المقيته
قديم بتاريخ : 28-02-2009 الساعة : 12:14 AM

اللهم صلي على محمد وآل محمد الأطهار

المهم كل الذي نريده منكم هو نسخ هذه الأيميلات ووضعها في خانة TO ومن ثم نسخ الرساله والضغط على زر send فقط لأغير

هذه الأيملات لمنظات حقوقية وصحف عالمية وغربية

دعونا نساهم في الأرسال لهم حتى نبين لهم حقيقة افعال الوهابيه الأرهابيه ضد المستضعفين في الأرض شيعة ال البيت

(بضغطة زر تنصر مظلومي البقيع)حيث تهدف الحملة إلى إرسال ملايين الرسائل (الايميلات)إلى العديد من الجهات الحقوقية والإعلامية العالمية

هذه الأيميلات

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وهاي نص الرساله المطلوب ارساله

ضع هذا العنوان

crisis , clashes and arrests againest shia Minorities in saudi arabia(report withe video)


ثم الرساله

I would like to report extremist practices and insults by members of the religious police (Wahhabi school who considers Shias infidels and they are extremely intolerant interpretation of Islam) against Shia pilgrims following a several incidents of confrontations between Shias and riot police at the al Baqee Cemetery in Medina, Islam’s second holiest city.

The first clash took place Friday evening (20 February 2009) after members of the religious police filmed female Shia pilgrims outside the cemetery, which contains the graves of several revered imams.

When five male relatives of the women demanded the police turn over the tapes, there was a scuffle and the men were arrested.

After the arrest, hundreds of pilgrims gathered outside the cemetery, demanding their release. Riot police used batons to disperse the crowd.

The five were arrested and charged with causing a disturbance at the gate of the cemetery after being told visitation hours were over.

On Monday night, another confrontation took place when the religious police banned female Shia pilgrims from visiting an area reserved for them outside the cemetery that overlooks the graves.

The police used batons against the angry Shia crowd, which estimated at 1500. Sunni onlookers also joined the fray, attacking Shia pilgrims. One Saudi Shias from Al Hasa in the oil rich east of the kingdom (Shia make up 20 percent of Saudi Arabia’s 22 million people) was killed and several others wounded by anti riot police.

Names of Shia pilgrims who confirm wounded (between broken arms and knives steps) on that day

Hayder AlZayer (Qatif - 18 years)
Osama Nemer (Dammam – 14 years)
Moayad Moairfy (Medina – 18 years)
Husain Yousef (Hasa – 15 years)
Ahmed Mosa (Qatif (18 years)
Sajed Zayer (Qatif – 18 years)
Husain Baqshy (Hasa 23 yars)
Mohamed AlAli (Hasa 12 years)
Sadiq Hurze (Hasa – 18 years) 3 knives step
Aqail Shaib (Hasa – 13 years) Missing
More that 150 of the same age above arrested

On Tuesday, when police once again prevented people from entering the cemetery, group of Wahhabi drew knives and attacked, injuring Shia religious man named Jawad AlHadary and was taken to the hospital.

The Saudi official story who control most of the media in the region reported that religious police at a shrine in Madinah clashed with pilgrims, who responded by hurling stones at a police station.

We declined to comment on the authority reports and consider were sectarian and pitted Shias against Sunnis. We condemned the attack, calling on the word to launch an investigation and bring the perpetrators to justice.


شفتو شلون العمليه سهله جداً

يالله عاد همتكم

والشكر الجزيل للأخوه الذين ساهموا في صياغة هذه الرساله

توقيع : فطرس11
شبكة الكافي :

شبكة تحتوي على الكثير من المواضيع العقائدية المميزه للأخوه المحاورين ورد شبهات المخالفين وفضائل أهل البيت والفقه وغيرها من المواضيع الهامه .
لزيارة الشبكة على هذا الرابط

من مواضيع : فطرس11 0 طلب خيره
0 ياســـنة البخاري عازمكم على عصير الذباب الطازج تفضل لايفوتك
0 هل تصدق ايها المسلم بأن النبي (ص) نعت عائشة وحفصة بأنهن صويحبات يوسف (ع) !!!
0 من خرابيط البخاري ,,, النبي (ص) نسى بعض آيات القرأن !!!
0 اريد التعرف على الشيعة العويين النصيريه
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة al-baghdady ; 28-02-2009 الساعة 01:17 AM.

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