شيعي حسيني
رقم العضوية : 480
الإنتساب : Oct 2006
المشاركات : 18,076
بمعدل : 2.69 يوميا
المنتدى :
المنتدى العام
دعا ء العهد باللغه الانگلیزیه
بتاريخ : 05-02-2007 الساعة : 09:05 PM
Dua'a Ahad
O Allah! Lord of the Great Light, Lord of the Elevated Throne, Lord of the tumultuous seas, and the revealer of the Tawrah, Injeel, and Zaboor, Lord of the shadows and the warmths, And the revealer of the Great Quran. Lord of the proximate angels and prophets and messengers. O Allah I beseech thee, for the sake of Your Nobel Visage. And for the sake of Your Enlightening Visage, and Your ever existing kingdom. O Ever Living! O Controller! I beseech Thee in Your Name which lits the heavens and the earths; and in Your Name, by which the ancient and the latter ones become upright. O Ever living who has before every living being. O Ever Living Who shall (exist) after every living being. O Ever Living Who existed when there was no life. O Giver of life to dead. O One Who causes death to the living one. O Ever Living. There is no god except Thou. O Allah send our master the leader, the guide, the guided, the upriser with Your command. Blessings of Allah be on him and his pure forefathers from all the believing men and believing women. In the easts of the earth and it's wests, in its plains and its mountains, its lands and its seas, from me and my parents. Blessings, which are the weight of Allah's throne and ink of His words, and whatever His knowledge enumerates and His book encompases. O Allah renew for him my covenant, pledge and allegiance on my neck in the morning of this day of mine and whatever days (of my life) I live. I shall never turn away from it nor let it ever vanish. O Allah appoint me among his helpers, aides, and his protectors. Those who hasten to fulfill his commands and obey his orders. Those who are his supporters and compete with each other to (fulfill) his intention and seek martyrdom in his presence. O Allah! If death occurs between me and him (before the reappearance) (death) which you have made obligatory and decreed for your servants, then raise me from my grave, wrapped in my shroud, my sword unsheathed, my spear bared, answering the call of the caller in cities as well as deserts. O Allah! Show me the rightly guided face of (Imam a.s.), the praiseworthy moon (referring to the face of Imam a.s.) and enlighten my vision
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة melika ; 05-02-2007 الساعة 09:08 PM.