عضو جديد
رقم العضوية : 11101
الإنتساب : Oct 2007
المشاركات : 44
بمعدل : 0.01 يوميا
المنتدى :
المنتدى العلمي والتقني
لعبة سوبر ماريو للتحميل 5
بتاريخ : 05-12-2007 الساعة : 03:58 PM
Super Mario Bros 4
A very fun and nice Super Mario platform game
arrows Left, Right = move
Z = jump
X = run
Z+X = long jump
arrow Up = doors
arrow Down = down pipe
F4 = Full screen / Windowed
The Princess has been captured! (Again, What else is new?!) But this time Bowser hasn't just stolen the princess, he's stolen your fireball, swimming, and flying abilities. It is your job to work your way through the maze of worlds to find and rescue the princess as well as your powers. But look out there are many bad guy's out to get you. Be careful and keep a sharp eye out! Nederlands:
Een zeer leuk en mooi Super Mario platformspel
pijltjes rechts,links = bewegen
Z = springen
X = lopen
Z+X = lange sprong
pijltje omhoog = deuren
pijltje omlaag = in pijp afdalen
F4 = Volledig scherm / Windowsventer
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