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الصورة الرمزية خادمة الشيخ المهاجر
خادمة الشيخ المهاجر
شيعي حسيني
رقم العضوية : 4050
الإنتساب : Apr 2007
المشاركات : 5,797
بمعدل : 0.88 يوميا

خادمة الشيخ المهاجر غير متصل

 عرض البوم صور خادمة الشيخ المهاجر

  مشاركة رقم : 1  
المنتدى : المنتدى العام
♥ Fatima (AS) after Prophet,s (PBUH) Death ♥
قديم بتاريخ : 19-05-2008 الساعة : 12:40 PM

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله الذي جَعَلَ الْحَمْدَ مفْتَاح اًلذِكْرِهِ وَخَلَقَ الأشْيَاءَ نَاطِقَةً بحَمْدِه وَشُكرِهِ
وَالصَّلاةُ وَالسَّلامُ عَلى نَبِيِّهِ مُحَمَّدالْمُشتَقِّ اسْمُهُ مِنْ اسْمِهِ الْمحْمُود
ِوَعَلى آلهِ الطَّاهِرينَ أُولِي الْمَكارِمِ وَالْجُوِد

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
.Fatima (AS) after Prophet,s (PBUH) Death:
Fatimah (AS) was mournful after Prophetas (PBUH) death. Not only had she lost her father, but also the best creature and seal of the prophets. The one who had high moral virtues and was said to have good humor by Allah and the one by whom revelation ended. Moreover, his successoras right was usurped and Islam was getting out of its correct way. Fatimah (AS) never hid her sorrow. Sometimes she went to Prophetas (PBUH) shrine and mourned there and sometimes to the shrines of Ohod martyrs and Hamzeh (AS), Prophetas (PBUH) uncle. Even when women of Medinah asked the reason of her sorrow, she clearly noticed the death of Prophet (PBUH) and usurpation His successoras right.

It hadnat passed much long from Prophetas death that his recommendation and conveying Allahas command on Ghadir, introducing Ali as Muslimas ruler was forgotten and they gathered in a placed named Saghifah and chose one as their ruler and began to get people swear allegiance. Therefore some of the Muslim gathered in Fatimahas house showing their objection to usurpation of governorship and ignoring Allahas command appointing Ali as Muslimas ruler. When Abubakr, who was chosen only by the people gathering in Saghifah got aware of this meeting, he sent Omar to Fatimahas (AS) house in order to bring Imame Ali (AS) and the others to the mosque for swearing allegiance by force. So, Omar and some others went there carrying some fire. When he arrived there, Fatimah (AS) came behind the door and asked the reason for his coming. Omar answered to take Imame Ali (AS) and the others to mosque for swearing allegiance Fatimah (AS) prohibited them not to do this and reproached them. Therefore some of the people following Omar dispersed. At this time Omar threatened to put the house with all the people inside in fire knowing that Fatimah (AS) is inside. Then, some of the objectors exited the house and Omar fought them and broke some of their swords. But still Imame Ali (AS), Fatimah (AS) and their children were inside. Then Omar ordered some firewood and put the door in fire and entered the house by force and inspected the house with his followers and then carried Imame Ali (AS) by dragging, reluctantly, by force to the mosque. During these happenings, Fatimah (AS) was injured a lot and experienced great hardship but she didnat calm down and went to the mosque because of her duty to defend her Imame of time and addressed Omar and Abubakr and the others and cautioned them of Allahas anger and punishment, but they continued what they were doing.
Fatima (AS) was also oppressed on Fadak after the Prophetas (PBUH) death. Fadak is a village 165 kilometers from Medina, which has productive soil and a spring and lots of date palms. Fadak belonged to Jewish and they granted it to the Prophet (PBUH) without any wars. So it was of œAnfal‌, which belongs to Allah and Prophet (PBUH) as the holy Quran says. After the verse œgive your family their rights‌ came down the Prophet (PBUH) granted Fadak to Fatima (AS) as Allah had ordered. Imame Ali (AS) and Fatimah (AS) had some agents in Fadak who worked there and sent the income for Fatimah (AS) after harvest. She gave the agentsa salary first and divided the remaining among the poor, although her living was as simple as possible. They sometimes granted their daily food and slept hungry, but considered the poor first and this was sincerely for Allah (as mentioned in the beginning of Dahr Surah). After the death of the Prophet (PBUH), Abubakr imputed a narrative to the Prophet (PBUH) saying that prophets bequeath nothing, and claimed that Prophetas inheritance belonged to all Muslims. Fatima (AS) defended her right in two ways. First she introduced some people witnessing that Prophet (PBUH) had granted Fadak to her when He was alive, and so Fadak was not an inheritance. Then, she made a resplendent speech containing deep meanings about Monotheism, Prophecy and Imamah, in Prophetas mosque. She proved invalidity of Abubakras claim in this extremely eloquent and clear speech. She asked Abubakr: œWhy do you contradict the holy Quran?‌ and then mentioned some Quran verses naming Soleyman (AS) as Davoodas (AS) heir or saying that Zakaria (AS) asked Allah for a heir of himself and Yaghoobas family. Therefore, assuming that Prophet (PBUH) hadnat granted Fadak to Fatimah (AS) when he was alive, it belonged to Fatima (AS) after His death and the claim that prophets bequeath nothing and imputing it to the Prophet (PBUH) is against the truth according to her proof. Because it is impossible that the Prophet (PBUH) talks in contravention with Allahas sayings, as Allah has insisted on this fact in the holy Quran many times. However, Fadak wasnat returned to its real owner and was usurped. We should notice that Fatimahas (AS) speech and her proof was so clear that nobody was doubtful and many of the denier had accepted it inwardly. Its reason is that Omar, the second caliph, returned Fadak to Imame Ali (AS) and Fatimahas children after Islamic conquest was expanded and the government didnat need Fadakas income. But it was again usurped when Othman was caliph
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توقيع : خادمة الشيخ المهاجر
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