Dear Sister; you are spreading fake information about the reality of discovering the new world by coulombs which is not true, and being a supervisor for this section forcing you to continuously filter your information about any article you copy and paste here , For your information elite researchers, including [COLOR=window****]Ivan van Sertima[/COLOR] formerly of [COLOR=window****]Rutgers University[/COLOR], and Malian researcher Gaoussou Diawara belief that Mansa Mohamed successfully discovered the new world 200 years before coulombs , and shame on you because you read and adapt [/COLOR][COLOR=window****]
thoughts of a gay American novelist ([/COLOR][COLOR=window****]
James Baldwin) By the way Imam Ali said (Thank the person who is tough and advising you not the person who is recommending and cajoling you.) wishing you happy times .[/COLOR]
Karbalaeya Hosaineya's reply :
In the name of Allah
So this is who you are
you're just a guy who follows girls round fighting with them , don't you ?
you went crazy when I ignored you the other day right ?
so you started searching a round looking for an excuse to start a fight with me again so you feel good
Oh , I fell sorry for you ... you're just sad
obviously you have some serious problems talking to normal people
that's why you're so hostile
or maybe you have problems talking to girls ... right?
any way
If you can just read with your eyes not with your heart which is full with hatred
you'll clearly see that
this topic is not about who discovered what
It's about a nice clever action
and a brilliant idea Columbus had
he teached his friends a good lesson in life
I don't care about who discovered the new world I just care about the egg story
get it ?
I don't think so
About the source of the story you have Noooooooo idea about any thing you just want to fight with girls
learn from a girl
read :
The Columbus story may have originated with Italian historian and traveler Girolamo Benzoni. In his book History of the New World, published in 1565,[2] he wrote:
Columbus was dining with many Spanish nobles when one of them said: 'Sir Christopher, even if your lordship had not discovered the Indies, there would have been, here in Spain which is a country abundant with great men knowledgeable in cosmography and literature, one who would have started a similar adventure with the same result.' Columbus did not respond to these words but asked for a whole egg to be brought to him. He placed it on the table and said: 'My lords, I will lay a wager with any of you that you are unable to make this egg stand on its end like I will do without any kind of help or aid.' They all tried without success and when the egg returned to Columbus, he tapped it gently on the table breaking it slightly and, with this, the egg stood on its end. All those present were confounded and understood what he meant: that once the feat has been done, anyone knows how to do it.
The factual accuracy of this story is called into question by its similarity to another tale published fifteen years earlier (while Benzoni was still traveling in the Americas) by painter and architect Giorgio Vasari.[3] According to Vasari, the young Italian architect Filippo Brunelleschi had designed an unusually large and heavy dome for Santa Maria del Fiore, the cathedral (Duomo) in Florence, Italy. City officials had asked to see his model, but he refused, proposing instead:
That whosoever could make an egg stand upright on a flat piece of marble should build the cupola, since thus each man's intellect would be discerned. Taking an egg, therefore, all those Masters sought to make it stand upright, but not one could find a way. Whereupon Filippo, being told to make it stand, took it graciously, and, giving one end of it a blow on the flat piece of marble, made it stand upright. The craftsmen protested that they could have done the same; but Filippo answered, laughing, that they could also have raised the cupola, if they had seen the model or the design. And so it was resolved that he should be commissioned to carry out this work.
When the church was finally built it had the shape of half an egg slightly flattened at the top.[4]
Jump up ^ Girolamo Benzoni (1565), Historia del Mondo Nuovo; Venice. English translation History of the New World by Girolamo Benzoni, Hakluyt Society, London, 1857
Who is Girolamo Benzoni ?
Girolamo Benzoni (born at Milan about 1519) was an Italian historian.
In 1541, at the age of twenty-two, Girolamo Benzoni set out from his birthplace, Milan (Italy), to seek adventure and fortune in the New World. He was to spend fifteen years in the territories conquered and being exploited by the Spaniards, travelling widely through the West Indies, Central America and South America, and visiting: the Caribbean (Greater and Lesser Antilles), Guatemala, Nicaragua, Mexico, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela. After losing much of the 'few thousand ducats' he had accumulated in a shipwreck on his way home, he finally arrived back in the port town of Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Spain) on 13 September 1556, with nothing more than his wealth of experiences. Subsequently he returned to Italy, but nothing is known of his life after his return to Europe.
Exactly what he was doing in the New World is not clear: he attached himself to various military expeditions though he was not by nature a fighting man; he reveals a good knowledge of political intrigue but does not apparently become involved in politics; he is informed about economics but does not discuss the commodities he traded in. In any case, one thing that we can gather from his book is that any involvement in commerce was done with much difficulty, since he was an Italian in a Spanish arena, and trading by foreigners in the Spanish colonies was not looked upon with favor by the Spaniards.
In a small search About James
James Arthur Baldwin (August 2, 1924 – December 1, 1987) was an American novelist, essayist, playwright, poet, and social critic
Girolamo Benzoni (born at Milan about 1519)
James Arthur Baldwin (August 2, 1924 – December 1, 1987)
obviously James Baldwin is not the source of the story he quoted it
get it ?
I hope so
Gay James >>
so I made a mistake .. what's the big deal ?
I'm not a aspecialist in gay people
I don't have any idea about gay people and gay world like you do
so thank you for that little information you gave us about James that he's a gay person
you're Masha'a Allah aspecialist in gay people you know allllllllll about them
you know allllllll the names of gay men around the world
you know everything about them
you just walk around with a list of gay men names
good for you
so thank you thank you thank you for your help
please don't you ever try to have the honer talking to me again
I have no time to waste on sick people
Don't you ever mess with me again
OK ?
and you fool no one with that "Dear sister" thing , you are a bad person
everybody can see who you really are
you say stuff but you're so afraid from the reaction
you talk in a bad way then you say some nice words to avoid the
hard replies ... But I gave you One
that was not an advice like you claim you gave me that was impoliteness and rudeness
Imam Hassan Al Askari (as) Says : Those who advise their brothers secretly are respecting them, and those who advise them openly are humiliating them
__________________________________________________ ______
PS .
Stop spreading hatred
stop hating people and love your enemies like Jesus said
aren't those your words ?
اقتباس :
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ثأر الحسين
[ مشاهدة المشاركة ]
ما أصعب مهمة السيد كمال الحيدرى الذى يظن به ظن السوء من الموالين و المخالفين؟يا أخى أفهم نصيحة السيد المسيح عيسى بن مريم على نبينا و اله و عليهما السلام (حبوا أعدائكم)
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لِمَ تَقُولُونَ مَا لا تَفْعَلُونَ (2) كَبُرَ مَقْتًا عِندَ اللَّهِ أَن تَقُولُوا مَا لا تَفْعَلُونَ
Have a very very very nice day .