شيعي حسيني
رقم العضوية : 30600
الإنتساب : Feb 2009
المشاركات : 7,005
بمعدل : 1.19 يوميا
المنتدى :
المنتدى العام
Happy Celebration! Happy Eid Al-Ghadir
بتاريخ : 05-12-2009 الساعة : 03:35 PM
Amir-ul-Mu'menin Al-Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib (Peace and Blessings be upon him) is
the 2nd important person after the Holy Prophet, not just in the Islamic history, but, in human history.
This event is very significant in Islamic history, No one can ignore it, hide it, and or deny it.
Over 110 Sahabi Narrators of this important tradition (Hadith Ghadir Khumm), according to Sunni Sources, cited this important event. This is the day, where, Holy Prophet (SAWA) appointed and declared that Al-Imam Ali (AS) is his Successor, after him
This important and historic occasion took place on ,Thursday, 18th Thu-l Hijja, year 10 of Hijra (Thursday, March 14, 632 AD
Holy Prophet was returning back from Mecca, after his last and farewell pilgrimage (Hijjatul- Wada') to House of Allah (Al-Ka'ba) with many muslems who lived in Al Madinah and many delegations came from outside Al Madinah and Macah . he stopped at Ghadir Khumm together with over 70,000 pilgrims,that day was one of the hottest day in summer that the people put part of thier dresses on their head and some under their feet to keep away the burning heat of the sun.
Allah revealed to him to declare and appoint Al-Imam Ali (AS) as his Successor and the Leader (Imam) for all Muslims, after him. At Ghadir Khumm, five hours after sunrise, Angle Gabriel (AS) descended and after salutations to the Holy Prophet, he recited the following verse from the Holy Qur'an:
"O Messenger! Deliver what has been revealed to you (with regard to Ali) from your lord (Nourisher); and if you do it not, then you have not delivered His complete message, and Allah shall protect you from the people; surely Allah shall not guide the unbelieving people." (Verse 67, Sureh 5: Al-Ma'edeh)
This urgent command of Allah was revealed to him after nearly 23 years of hard work, prophesizing and only about 70 days before his death. Upon this very important command of Allah, the Holy Prophet (SAWA) declared and appointed Al-Imam Ali, in the presence of over 70,000 of his followers, to be his Successor and the Leader, after him.he take Imam Ali’s hand and raise it so highly that anyone could see the witeness of thier underarmes and all people recognized him.Holy Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (Peace and Blessings be upon him and his Family) declared and repeated (4 times) that,
Whomever's Master (Mawla) I am, this Ali is his Master.support who support him desappoint who desappoint him and make right whatever he dose.
He also asked the gathered people for their true allegiance to Al-Imam Ali, the Commander of Faithful (Amir-ul-Mu'menin), as well as, he obtained their oath of allegiance to Al-Imam Ali(AS). He told them:
"Allah Almighty and Glorious has appointed Ali to this position amongst you, after me."
This is the day, where Allah (Subhanehu wa-Ta'la) has perfected the Islamic religion and has completed His blessings.
After, only about 70 days from this event, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) passed away. Some of his close followers after his departure betrayed him and disobeyed his and Allah's orders. Things changed and Al-Imam Ali (as) was prevented from assuming his righteous role as the Successor of Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) and the religious Leader of the Islam. This was an inflection point in Islamic history from truth and justice into corruption, which is continued until now. In conclusion, the event of Al-Ghadir is the pivot of Islam, where the truth turns around it and rotates about it. Al-Imam Ali is the focal point of this event. The truth will turn around and around continuously until the day of appearance of Al-Imam Al-Mehdi (AS) from his occultation, who is the true final Leader in this universal lineage . The power of this event will destroy, burn, and perish falsehood. Because, falsehood is bound to perish. And the truth and justice will prevail. At that time, humanity will see the light of Allah and enjoy the freedom and justice under the rule of Al-Imam Al-Mehdi (AS)…
In this great day i want 2 congratulate everyone in this forum and shaer happiness with all lovers af Ahl al bait on this planet.I wish u all the best and happiness and pray God to firm us on the path of the Prophet and his family by God willing
شاركوني افراحكم بهذا اليوم العظيم اعاده الله علينا جميعا بالخير
واليمن والبركه
اعود ان شاءالله لاحقا للترجمه
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة ايمان حسيني ; 05-12-2009 الساعة 04:12 PM.