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رقم العضوية : 22338
الإنتساب : Sep 2008
المشاركات : 91
بمعدل : 0.02 يوميا
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بتاريخ : 24-09-2008 الساعة : 03:18 AM
اعزائي الشيعة
انظرو في الانترنت الى ماهي فائدة Bacteriophages
وهذه الفيروسات الملتهمة للبكتيريا
هذا حديث صحيح وقد صدق رسول الله
وانا شخصيا حدثت معي اكثر من مرة عندما يسقط ذبابة في صحني اغمسها وارميها جانبا والحمدلله رب العالمين لم يصيبني شيء لصدق الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم
This article is about a biological infectious particle; for other uses, see phage (disambiguation). 
The structure of a typical bacteriophage
A bacteriophage (from 'bacteria' and Greek φάγειν phagein "to eat") is any one of a number of viruses that infect bacteria. The term is commonly used in its shortened form, phage.
Typically, bacteriophages consist of an outer protein hull enclosing genetic material. The genetic material can be ssRNA (single stranded RNA), dsRNA, ssDNA, or dsDNA between 5 and 500 kilo base pairs long with either circular or linear arrangement. Bacteriophages are much smaller than the bacteria they destroy - usually between 20 and 200 nm in size.
Phages are estimated to be the most widely distributed and diverse entities in the biosphere.[1] Phages are ubiquitous and can be found in all reservoirs populated by bacterial hosts, such as soil or the intestines of animals. One of the densest natural sources for phages and other viruses is sea water, where up to 9×108 virions per milliliter have been found in microbial mats at the surface,[2] and up to 70% of marine bacteria may be infected by phages.[3]
They have been used for over 60 years as an alternative to antibiotics in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.[4] They are seen as a possible therapy against multi drug resistant strains of many bacteria.