الموضوع: ،،| Sometimes |،،
عرض مشاركة واحدة

الصورة الرمزية أرجوان
شيعي حسيني
رقم العضوية : 13143
الإنتساب : Nov 2007
المشاركات : 7,797
بمعدل : 1.23 يوميا

أرجوان غير متصل

 عرض البوم صور أرجوان

  مشاركة رقم : 1  
المنتدى : المنتدى العام
Smile ،،| Sometimes |،،
قديم بتاريخ : 05-02-2008 الساعة : 11:39 PM

Sometimes I wonder why you went away
Sometimes I know the answer and sometimes I wish
Sometimes that we could start all over
Sometimes I just want to say: I Love You

Sometimes I wonder what it was about you
Sometimes that made you so unique
Sometimes I cry to think you are gone
Sometimes I pretend, Sometimes I really do

Sometimes I really think you're still here
Sometimes I feel you all around me
Sometimes it is so real I can touch it
Sometimes I will find a single tear

Sometimes in the corner of my eye
Sometimes I think it belongs to you
Sometimes I just want to hear your voice
Sometimes I just want to die

Sometimes I yearn for you so bad that
Sometimes I do not think I will make it another day
Sometimes I always do so far; but
Sometimes I think:You know I had that

Love that everyone seeks but cannot find
And lost that love most only dream about

Sometimes I miss you so bad it breaks my heart
Sometimes I love you more than any words could say
Sometimes I love you so deeply that often
Sometimes it ravages me and tears me apart

Sometimes, all the time and for eternity
I love you no matter what

greeting for everybody

توقيع : أرجوان
..اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد الطيبين الطاهرين..
من مواضيع : أرجوان 0 سفن آب (تجميد اللقطة)
0 زخارف اسلامية للتصاميم
0 في حياتي زهــــــ ـــــرة
0 لا يفوتكم المناظر مصر .. أم الدنيا‎
0 اسم فاطمة الزهراء (ع) سبب شفاء أعمى
رد مع اقتباس