،،| Sometimes |،،
عرض مشاركة واحدة
شيعي حسيني
رقم العضوية : 13143
الإنتساب : Nov 2007
المشاركات : 7,797
بمعدل : 1.23 يوميا
مشاركة رقم :
المنتدى :
المنتدى العام
،،| Sometimes |،،
بتاريخ : 05-02-2008 الساعة : 11:39 PM
Sometimes I wonder why you went away
Sometimes I know the answer and sometimes I wish
Sometimes that we could start all over
Sometimes I just want to say: I Love You
Sometimes I wonder what it was about you
Sometimes that made you so unique
Sometimes I cry to think you are gone
Sometimes I pretend, Sometimes I really do
Sometimes I really think you're still here
Sometimes I feel you all around me
Sometimes it is so real I can touch it
Sometimes I will find a single tear
Sometimes in the corner of my eye
Sometimes I think it belongs to you
Sometimes I just want to hear your voice
Sometimes I just want to die
Sometimes I yearn for you so bad that
Sometimes I do not think I will make it another day
Sometimes I always do so far; but
Sometimes I think:You know I had that
Love that everyone seeks but cannot find
And lost that love most only dream about
Sometimes I miss you so bad it breaks my heart
Sometimes I love you more than any words could say
Sometimes I love you so deeply that often
Sometimes it ravages me and tears me apart
Sometimes, all the time and for eternity
I love you no matter what
greeting for everybody
توقيع :
..اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد الطيبين الطاهرين..
من مواضيع :
سفن آب (تجميد اللقطة)
زخارف اسلامية للتصاميم
في حياتي زهــــــ ـــــرة
لا يفوتكم المناظر مصر .. أم الدنيا
اسم فاطمة الزهراء (ع) سبب شفاء أعمى
مشاهدة ملفه الشخصي
البحث عن كافة المشاركات المكتوبة بواسطة أرجوان
البحث عن جميع مواضيع أرجوان