عرض مشاركة واحدة

الصورة الرمزية كربلائية حسينية
كربلائية حسينية
محـــــاور عقائدي
رقم العضوية : 20228
الإنتساب : Jul 2008
المشاركات : 3,427
بمعدل : 0.56 يوميا

كربلائية حسينية غير متصل

 عرض البوم صور كربلائية حسينية

  مشاركة رقم : 5  
كاتب الموضوع : كربلائية حسينية المنتدى : المنتدى العام
قديم بتاريخ : 21-12-2012 الساعة : 08:35 PM

“O you who believe! Be careful of your duty to ALLAH and seek means of nearness to HIM and strive hard in HIS way that you may be successful”. (The Glorious Qur’an5 Al-Ma’idah-35)
Imam Hasan Al-Mujtaba (a-s) said: “The annihilation of people lies in 3 things: Arrogance, greed and jealousy”. (Bihar Al-Anwar by: Allamah Majlisi (r-a) vol. 78, p. 111)
His bravery was renowned in so many occasions as recorded in history books, in the battle of Siffin, Imam Hasan (a-s) would charge at the enemy who would scatter at this brave lion who resembled his Great father Imam Ali (a-s). In fact his father; Amir Ul-Mu’mineen Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a-s) would say to his companions: “Stand before my son Hasan (a-s) and stop him from continuing forward for if he is Martyred in this battle, the progeny of the Holy Prophet (saww) will become instinct!” (Nahj ul-Balagha, Vol. 2 p. 651)
In order to prevent too much bloodshed in the battle of the camel, Imam Ali (a-s) handed a sword to Muhammad Ibn Hanafiyah, and ordered him to go to the battle field and sever the legs of the she-camel that carried Ayishah, for should the camel fall it would stop the battle that would surely be a massacre of those foolish people who were incited and enticed by hypocrites and haters of Islam. However, the opposition forces were stern and defended the she-camel with vigour. Muhammad Ibn Hanafiyah would return to his camp without accomplishing the mission, when Imam Hasan (a-s) took the sword from him and charged towards the battle field with a fiery and prevailing stride, he (a-s) then succeeded in severing the she-camel’s legs, which completely changed the mood of the opponents and they gave up, therefore the battle of the camel ended in that way. Muhammad Ibn Hanafiyah with his head on his knees felt regret and sadness that he could not accomplish the task given to him by his father Imam Ali (a-s). Amir Ul-Mu’mineen Imam Ali (a-s) looked at him and said: “O my son! Do not be unhappy with the victory of Hasan (a-s), because he is the son of Fatimah (s-a) and you are only my son”. (Manaqib Ibn Sahr Ashob, vol.2, p. 21).
When Mu’awiya decided once again to try to steal away the leadership of Islam, he, in his evil strategies decided to make trouble with Imam Hasan (a-s) at the same time that the Romans began planning to attack the Muslims. The Roman Empire was just waiting for the right time to attack the Muslims, and Mu’awiya with his insistence to move forward and fight against Imam Hasan (a-s) would open up a deadly door that would have surely destroyed Islam. Had the battle between Mu’awiya and his cursed army against Imam Hasan (a-s) had taken place, the Roman Empire who were ready to attack the Muslims, with all the confusion with an army of 100,000 soldiers. Mu’awiya knowing that the Holy Imam’s (a-s) mission was to guide mankind and protect Islam, he used the information about the Roman Empire wanting to attack, should a civil war take place, knowingly against Imam Hasan (a-s) in hopes that Imam Hasan (a-s) would be forced to make a peace treaty with him (Mu’awiya) in order to save Islam. Mu’awiya who was full of trickery, deceit and hate for Islam and the Holy Prophet (saww) and his Ahlul-Bayt (a-s), knew already that he would scam his way out of the conditions of the peace treaty, in hopes of passing on as an inheritance, the leadership of Islam to his drunkard sinner son, the accursed Yazid and the rest of his worldly loving, scandalous, dishonest and ignorant progeny.
Imam Hasan (a-s) had an army of true faithful believing Muslims who loved the Imam (a-s), the Ahlul-Bayt (a-s), the Holy Prophet (saww) and ALLAH (swt), mixed along with hypocrites and Khawarij (who had planned to assassinate Imam Hasan (a-s) after a victory over Mu’awiya who they hated even more). Doubtful people, who were not brave or self sacrificing in battle. Money and power lovers who wanted only to profit every way possible, including treachery and betrayal and those who followed their tribal leaders and who would follow them if they would abandon the battle. Therefore, with such a disunited army, Imam Hasan (a-s) had truly no other choice but to negotiate for the good of Islam and for no other reason than saving the Divine religion that ALLAH (swt) chose for all mankind, and that was brought to mankind though the seal of the Prophets (a-s); Prophet Muhammad (saww). For details of the peace treaty I ask my dear readers to read some of the many great and accurate books on this subject.
The accursed Ju’da bint al-Ash’ath ibn Qays (Imam Hasan’s (a-s) wife) was encouraged by Mu’awiya to poison her husband the Holy Imam. Mu’awiya sent her 100,000 dirhams and promised her marriage to Yazid (may ALLAH (swt) curse him), the son of Mu’awiya. (Outline of the biographies of the leaders of Islam: Shaykh Ja’afar Subhani, Aqiih al-Farid; vol. 4 p. 251, Al-Imamat wa al-Siasat; vol. 1 p. 174 and Muruj al-Dhahab; vol.3 p.105). After Ju’da (may ALLAH (swt) curse her) had carried out this most atrocious and despicable crime of poisoning the Holy Imam (a-s), Mu’awiya gave her the money, but instead he gave her to a man from the family of Talha as a substitute. (Kitab Al-Irshad by Shaykh Mufid (r-a), Maqatil al-Talibiyyin, 73)
‘Ibn Sireen, a servant of Hasan Ibn Ali (a-s) is reported to have said: “I was with Imam Hasan and Imam Hussayn (a-s) in the house. Imam Hasan (a-s) came out of the bathroom and said”: “I have been poisoned many times but this time the poison was very strong. When I examined with a stick a fleshy thing, which had come out, I discovered that it was a piece of my liver”.
Imam Hussayn (a-s) said: “Who poisoned you?” Imam Hasan (a-s) replied: “Do you want to kill that person? May the wrath of ALLAH (swt) be upon him or her if it is the person, whom I suspect? If not, I do not want an innocent person to be implicated and punished”. (Muqatil ul-Talibeen: Abu Faraj Ishahani. (r-a) 284 A.H. to 356 A.H. / ALSO: Same as reported by Umar Ibn Ishaq; in Kitab Al-Irshad by Shaykh Mufid (r-a), Maqatil al-Talibiyyin, 74). The poison had the Holy Imam (a-s) stay in bed ill for 40 days until he (a-s) achieved Martyrdom. (Tardjamat al-Imam al-Hasan by: Ibn Sa’d p. 176 / Tarikh Khulafa by: Rasul Ja’farian) Miswar’s daughter, Umm Bakr reported: “Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba (a-s) had been poisoned many times, although each time he survived, the last time the poison was so strong that it made pieces of his (a-s) liver to come out through his throat”. (Al-Muntakhab Min Dhiyl al-mudhayyal, p. 514 / Tarikh Khulafa by: Rasul Ja’farian)

من مواضيع : كربلائية حسينية 0 دعاء الامام علي على معاوية و ِأشياعه كان تأسياً بدعاء الرسول على كفار قريش-رداً على المستهين بالدعاء
0 شبهة : المعصوم ينادي المعصوم (الميت) فلا يجيبه ، ويستغيث به فلا يغيثه
0 ابن حزم :الصحابة اغتاظوا من بعضهم /مالك :الروافض كفار لغيظهم من الصحابة{لِيَغِيظَ بِهِمُ الْكُفَّارَ
0 أبو بكر يعصي أمر النبي بالصلاة و يطيع عمر+الصلاة دليل خلافة الهية فكيف يتنازل عنها لعمر ..!!
0 قبل الموت فرش أسنانك تحميها .. و الأفضل أن تمضغ لك زوجتك السواك ليختلط ريقك بريقها ..!
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