عرض مشاركة واحدة

الصورة الرمزية اسد لبنان
اسد لبنان
عضو متواجد
رقم العضوية : 76450
الإنتساب : Nov 2012
المشاركات : 146
بمعدل : 0.03 يوميا

اسد لبنان غير متصل

 عرض البوم صور اسد لبنان

  مشاركة رقم : 1  
المنتدى : منتـدى الصوتيات والمرئيات
w22 انا رقية - رائعة باسم الكربلائي - بذكرى استشهاد طفلة الحسين ع - مونتاج اسد لبنان.
قديم بتاريخ : 19-12-2012 الساعة : 05:49 AM


She was with them in shaam, but she is not here with them now. I can still hear her cries. I can still feel the ground shake as she falls. Ruqayya, oh daughter of Hussayn. This is a humble tribute to you.

The Imam prepared to leave. His time to bid farewell had arrived. As he said his goodbye there remained one child left. He approached her. His eyes stared into hers. His heart was aching. What a moment very difficult to bear. He smiled at her and caressed her hair. A farewell too hard to endure. A goodbye with a daughter--so precious; so pure. He left and departed. Her heart remained heavy hearted.

To shaam she went. It was her destiny. It was meant. At night her eyes knew no rest. She wanted her father. This was Ruqayya's test. The separation was terrible. It truly was unbearable. She woke one night crying in pain. The pain was to much for her to contain. Yazid heard Ruqaya's cry. He sent her the head of her father Hussayn. My darling. My beloved. She shouted in fright! What an unspeaking sight. The separation came to its end. This was a tragedy too much for any child. She rushed to her father and hugged him as she smiled.

من مواضيع : اسد لبنان 0 بسم حسين كبرنا - ياحسين بظمايرنا , رووووعة ادائا ومونتاجا - حسين الاكرف ومونتاج اسد لبنان
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0 محرم , شهر احزان آل محمد ع جاء للمؤمنين مناديا لبيك يا حسين - مونتاج اسد لبنان
0 يا شيعة , هذا امامكم الذي تفخرون به , عظم الله لكم بامام المتقين ابا الحسن علي بن ابي طالب ع المرئي
رد مع اقتباس