شيعي حسيني
رقم العضوية : 20
الإنتساب : Jul 2006
المشاركات : 13,004
بمعدل : 1.91 يوميا
كاتب الموضوع :
عاشقة النجف
المنتدى :
المنتدى العام
بتاريخ : 18-06-2007 الساعة : 04:30 AM
In the Name of Allah , the beneficent , the Merciful
Assalaamu Alaykum
Behave your teacher
Respect your teacher and be polite in his assembly (session) and listen carefully to his words. Do not talk loudly before him. If somebody questions him about something do not reply before he does although you may know the answer to that (question).