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الصورة الرمزية عبد الحسن2
عبد الحسن2
رقم العضوية : 19912
الإنتساب : Jun 2008
المشاركات : 1,321
بمعدل : 0.22 يوميا

عبد الحسن2 غير متصل

 عرض البوم صور عبد الحسن2

  مشاركة رقم : 12  
كاتب الموضوع : عبد الحسن2 المنتدى : منتـدى سيرة أهـل البيت عليهم السلام
قديم بتاريخ : 17-06-2010 الساعة : 09:05 AM

The Arrivals - pt. 47 “The Free Human”
The Arrivals pt. 47:
The Dollar falling again against the Euro today after that week--
The Dow Jones is up a hundred and five points this on a day when oil was up to a new time high of 96-- Inflation is rising at eight tens of one percent. Now there is no way that's true. If the government was accurately reporting inflation then we would know we were in recession.
We have got 30 seconds or so but I want to get your take on how much lower you think the markets can go right now. We think that the markets can decline fifty or sixty percent. We hate to say something so sombre this is not the time to be optimistic or pessimistic. It is time to be realistic. Our whole system is been build on credit expansion. We have to grow credit year over year in order to keep the economy growing. The economy is not going to grow, ?!! itself into recession and one it enters recession it's going to cascade on so-- But what counts is not how many dollars we have but what those dollars are worth and what we can buy with them. The dollar is becoming less valuable every day and based on our economy our huge current account our huge trade deficits. Our lack of domestic manufacturing, our lack of domestic savings. There is only one thing the dollar can do and that's going down.
“We face a coming financial crisis. Our current account deficit is more than $600 billion annually. Our foreign debt is more than $3 trillion. Foreigners now own over $1.4 trillion of our Treasury and mortgage debt.”
“We must borrow $3 billion from foreigners every business day to maintain our extravagant spending. Our national debt now is increasing $600 billion per year, and guess what, we print over $600 billion per year to keep the charade going. But there is a limit and I'm fearful we're fast approaching it.” -Congressman Ron Paul M.D. September 17th, 2005

There's a dollar crisis out there and people's money is being stolen. People who have saved they are being robbed. Speech (from ep.25) by: Shiekh Imran Hosein

And then dajjal moved to a day which is like a month and the united states replaced Britain as the ruling state in the world. And the us dollar became the international currency. And now the united states is about to relinquish power and Israel is about to replace the united states as the ruling state in the world. And what will be the new money? Answer: “The U.S. Dollar is going to be attacked and it will collapse, and bring down all the paper money in the world”. You won't see paper money after that. What's going to be the new money? “What's the new money that Israel will use to enslave mankind, the way the U.S. Used the dollar?”Answer: Israel is going to use invisible money; you can't see it. Isreal is going to use intangible money; you can't touch it. “It will be electronic money”.

Rulers and Ruled in the US Empire
Because you're not allowed to criticize Israel.
We already deal with digital money, because the majority of us never touch our earnings... We just follow the digital numbers. Is it really that far fetched to question the microchip conspiracy. We have been asleep long enough. November 2008. It's time to we wake up. Unlike the past, today's currency is not backed up by gold or silver... Therefore what you are witnessing today is only the beginning... The first of several economic collapses for years to come. Has it been pre-planned? Or has it gone out of hand? Either way it shouldn't make a difference when you know who owns the federal reserve, and who literally owns money. IN ZIONIST BANKERS WE TRUSTED. What kind of new monetary system would you like to see? Do you want the dollar to be gold backed again? Would you like to go back to fixed exchange rates? Give us a sense where you want to go? Well we should follow the law and the law is the constitution. The constitution says only gold and silver should be legal tender. We don't really have clear authority to have a central bank. The dollar is going down, the cost of living is going up. Our dollar today is worth four cents compared to the dollar of 1913 when the federal reserve took charge of it. If you don't deal with the dollar there will be no retirement for anybody. We're going to have chaos. And the strange thing, the dangerous thing about electronic money is it is controlled by the banking system around the world and the Jews control the banking system. That's not an uncharitable statement. That's not an invalid statement. That's the truth. We said that Israel is about to wage a big war. They prepared for this when Israeli Mossad and the CIA attacked America on September 11th and they blamed it on us. Us muslims. They know that's false. “They know that they are speaking a monstrous lie!” !? The prophet (asws) warned us... That amongst the times of the last days... Would be that people would speak great lies... So beware! He said... !? From an intelligence agency to question key terrorist-- Fox noise actually suggests-- ?! To protect themselves so you have to waver-----!? Attacks including a plot to strike the U.S. Marine camp in Djibouti, a plan to attack the U.S. Consulate in Karachi, a plot to hijack a passenger plane and fly it into the library tower in Los Angeles—Heathrow airport. Despite the record of success and despite the fact that our professionals used lawful techniques-- which of the attacks I just described would they prefer we had not stopped? So what is the best thing we can do to prepare for what is yet to come? We should all start by gaining back our freedom. What is the best way to achieve that... Stop being so dependent on the system! You see although all of you might know how to use a computer... Most of you don't know how to harvest land... You all know how to order food... But how many of you know how to plant your own? Are your kids experts at video games, or have you taught them what's essential to life? We have been moved away from our natural ways of life... And have been manipulated to serve the machine! We have become part of the machine! The matrix is a computer generated dream world, built to keep us under control. In order to change a human being... into this. No. Its time you realize that your true welfare depends on your independence from this machine! You all know how to fill up gas... But have you tried to acquire alternative and free energy? Sunlight is made up of tiny packets of energy called photons. Every minute, enough of this free energy reaches the earth... To meet all of the world's energy needs for a FULL YEAR! This is my cheap solar panel The system was two hundred fifty dollars-- This is for the cables where the power comes in. When it's charging we see a little light. It's charging right now. When there is a will, there is a way. We hope this series has inspired your will to achieve freedom... By any means necessary. OBEY. OBEY. STAY ASLEEP. OBEY. BUY. DO NOT QUESTION AUTHORITY. WATCH T.V. NO IMAGINATION. You have learned enough to break free. What you choose to do with this information... Is up to you.

A Noreaga & Achernahr Production.

توقيع : عبد الحسن2
اللهم صل وسلم على محمد وآل محمد
اللهم صل وسلم على محمد وآل محمد
اللهم صل وسلم على محمد وآل محمد
" فَمَنْ يَكْفُرْ بِالطَّاغُوتِ وَيُؤْمِنْ بِاللَّهِ "
لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله
إمام زماني حجة الله
المستبصر عبد الحسن
من مواضيع : عبد الحسن2 0 مشروع تجريم مشايخ التكفير ومنعهم من دخول الإتحاد الأوروبي
0 حوار حول أحاديث الدجال في مصادر الفريقين
0 تم تفريغ سلسلة القادمون في منتدى الامام المهدي
0 أسس قدوم الدجال (القادمون) القسم الخامس والأخير
0 أسس قدوم الدجال (القادمون) القسم الرابع
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