رقم العضوية : 19912
الإنتساب : Jun 2008
المشاركات : 1,321
بمعدل : 0.22 يوميا
كاتب الموضوع :
عبد الحسن2
المنتدى :
منتـدى سيرة أهـل البيت عليهم السلام
بتاريخ : 15-06-2010 الساعة : 04:08 PM
اللَّهُمَّ كُنْ لِوَلِيِّكَ الحُجَّةِ بْنِ الحَسَنِ صَلَواتُكَ عَلَيْهِ وَعَلَى آبائِهِ في هذِهِ السَّاعَةِ وَفي كُلِّ سّاعَةٍ وَلِيّاً وَحافِظاً وَقائِداً وَناصِراً وَدَليلاً وَعَيْناً حَتّى تُسْكِنَهُ أرْضَكَ طَوْعاً وَتُمَتِّعَهُ فيها طَويلاً بِرَحَمَتِكَ يَاأَرحّمِ الَرَاحِمِينْ
تابع الحلقة 31
جيمس آرثر راي "فيلسوف" JAMES ARTHUR RAY
يقول: دعونا نستخدم هذا التعبير المستعار
فكروا في علاء الدين ومصباحه!
ربما سمعتم بذلك!
لقطة من فلم حيث يقول الجني العبارة المعتادة:

أمنيتك هي أمر لي
يقول البروفسور: "الكون هو الجني الضخم"
"وعقلكم الواعي هو علاء الدين"
الذي يصوغ القصد لما تختارونه لحياتكم!
صورة كتاب "السر" مرة ثانية
الآن تعلمون على ماذا بني هذا الكتاب.
صورة لعفريت علاء الدين

ساعد في كتابته شخص يدّعي كونه محضراً للأرواح!
تم تمويله ونشره عن طريق نفس المجتمعات السرية لخداعكم.
ولكن ماهي أسرارهم الحقيقية؟
ماهو الذي لا يريدونكم أن تعرفوه؟
مقطع فديو

يقول المتحدث: في صميم تلك المجتمعات السرية تتربص "الكابالا"
إنها طريقة لترميز المعلومات, عن طريق نظام من الرياضيات والأرقام
هؤلاء الناس الذين إنتموا لهذه المجتمعات السرية, لم يتجرأوا قط على ما علموه أو قاموا بحراسته بإي لغة!
لأنه عندئذ, كان بإمكان أحد ما سرقته, وبالتالي ينكشف السر!
لذلك أخذوا تلك المعرفة وجعلوها سرية! عن طريق نظام من الترميز والتشفير.
وإحداها هي الرياضيات, الأرقام
وأخرى هي الهندسة المعمارية
هل تساءل أحدكم لماذا لديهم منظمة شقيقة تدعى: "البناءون أو الماسونيون الأحرار"؟
أليس هؤلاء هم الأشخاص الذين يبنون الجدران؟
نعم لقد حزرتم!
كل جدار يبنونه, يحتوي على الأسرار, التي بقيت محفوظة على مر العصور!
المشفرة في الفن المعماري وقياسات الأبنية, وفي صيغ الرياضيات المستخدمة لإشتقاق الهندسة والشكل, الطول والعرض والإرتفاع!
كلها مشفرة هناك!
انتهى المقطع -
هل فهمتم الآن قيمة ما قامت سلسلة "القادمون" بمشاركته بكم؟

13 مستوى

عامودان وبوابة
8 أعمدة تشكل ثماني أضلاع
دوامة ترتفع إلى العين التي ترى كل شيء

13 خطوة

هرم متحف اللوفر مبني من 666 لوح زجاجي

مشكّلة نقطة دوامات
The Arrivals pt.31 - The Great Deception
The Arrivals: Part 31
"The Great Deception" Would you like to know the great plans of deception? The deception of all the ages, past and present. For each age there was a different plan, but all were based on the same agenda. The deception of man away from God, and away from the truth. Listen closely to the plans Roger claims came from Lucifer himself. They had three major policies that we are going to be following first "Lucifer says, we have to make sure that humans get to believe that satan and his angels do not exist." You know Roger that's interesting because our recent research study !??!!? indicated that in a national survey I believe it's above 75 percent of people that do not believe in a real tangible devil. But there is one? Yeah. The next thing that the three parts policy that they had about !?!? the second one was to find a way of him to get total control of people's minds. and that would be done by taking hypnotism out of the realm of the occult and introduce it as a new science for the benefit of mankind. They felt that "by taking hypnotism out of the realm of the occult and introducing it as a new science for the benefit of mankind". He could then use people of great renown, educators, people of capacity, that would do great things such as supposedly regress people in time, to former lives". and of course after the session was over the person would not know a thing about ancient history, and the person she or he talks about were forming certain deeds let’s say 2-4000 years ago.
Meaning, people were being possessed by demons, whom would tell the accurate tales of ancient history. This is possible, because jinn live for thousands of years. But this was their strategy, now this would roof?! The thing is this. That it would create in the minds of the general public" solidly an unwavering trust in the great deception. So now this would be a way of dechristianizing the western world through the avenue of mysticism. The three things were number one: that they don’t want the human family to think that he or his angels existed. The second point that you made had to do with taking control of peoples minds. the third point was what? To destroy the Bible without burning it. Ok and what was his strategy on that. on that? it was very interesting. Because after the great general council it was decided that Satan would tutor Charles Darwin personally in setting up the principles of his theories of evolution. He was tutored by Lucifer himself. fallen lucifer.and at that time it was understood satan and his spirit councelors understood that if a person was lead to believe in the theory of evolution. IT would in his life destroy completely the creation !?!? of the bible. The fall of man and claim of redemption. It would go away. Anyone that teaches a theory of evolution is considered to be a minister of that great religious system. And he said that every teacher of that theory is recognized by the spirits as a person of great value and receives a very special aunction!? From satan himself. Getting great power to induce spiritual blindness to convince a convert. Three capacities.
Did man create God?
Richard Dawkins- The God delusion.
The Great Deception: There is no God
The Great Truth: Theory of Evolution was brought to you courtesy of satan himself.
Wake up!
Things are starting to make much more sense aren’t they?
Do you want to know what are the plans of deception for our age?
This is the Grand plan, the masters Grand plan for harvesting the multitudes of the earth. Into his cause, just before the close of the great controversy between good and evil. It will be done in a unique manner. This Grand plan is going to-- people are going to eat this stuff. cause it says spirits, demon spirits will declare themselves to be inhabitants of far distant planets and the galaxies are coming to warn the inhabitants of planet earth the impending destruction of planet earth. unless something seriously proper is done to avoid it.
Plan #1: Demon- Jinn will disguise themselves as extra terrestrials and stop at nothing to convince you of this idea.
Plan #2: Put an end to Islam
The Islamic Center Of America - You idol worship go home 911 murderers
Create the tension within
Plan #3: Introduce the new global religion
What religion will that be?
A religion that teaches: “you are a god!”
The Message given to me by extra-terrestrials
James Arthur Ray – Philosopher
Let’s use this ****phor. Think about aladdin and his lamp. He probably heard of that one.
The Genie allways says one thing. Your wish is my command. The universe is this great genie. And your conscious mind is Aladdin. That formulates the intention of what you choose for your life.
The Secret. Now you know what this book is based on. Co-written by a self proclaimed spirit channeler. Financed and pushed by the very same secret societies to deceive you. but what is their real secrets? What don’t they want you to know?
At the very hard core of these secret societies lurks the kabala. İt is a method of encoding information through a system of mathematics and numbers. these people have belonged to the secret societies never dared to write down in any language what they knew what it was they were guarding. Because then someone could steal it and the secret would be out. So they took this knowledge. And made it occult. This system of encoding encryption. One of which is mathematics, numbers. “Another one is architecture”. anybody wonder why they have a fraternal organization called the freemasons? Aren’t those the guys that build walls? You bet they do. Every wall they build contains the secrets that have been kept maintained throughout the ages, and it’s encoded in the architecture and the measurements of the buildings and in the mathematical Formulas used to derive the geometry and the shape the length and breadth and height ?!!? its all encoded there.
Do you now understand the value of what “The Arrivals” has shared? 2 pillars and the gate. 8 pillars forming an octagon. Vortex leading up to the “all seing eye”. 13 stepsLouvre pyramid made up of 666 glass sheets. Forming a vortex point. The Octagon pyramids. The checkered pyramid. The end of section 3. The return of Imam Al Mahdi, the return of Jesus as the savior, and what your role will be…
Those topics and many more to be covered in section 4.
Stay tuned.
A Noreagaaa & Achernahr Production To be continued inshallah..