The Arrivals pt 25. - The Antichrits Dajjal is Here
Everything we have done so far, was just the introduction.
A necessary introduction that gave you freedom of mind, and purpose of soul.
Now you are in the right mindset, to receive the most valuable information.
You have climbed up and elevated, through each episode of The Arrivals.
Now its time to begin with the answers.
This is your last chance. After this there is no turning back. You take the blue pill. The story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember, all I’m offering is the truth, Nothing more. Follow me.
Do you think that men were able to carry out this global conspiracy of deception and power by themselves?
Think about it, the more you research this conspiracy, and the more you learn about the history of the elite, You realize that this historical plan is almost perfect. Why would these elites and occult societies dedicate their lives to a plan that will not materialize in their lifetime? Because the goals of this plan have not been planned out by men. But by a force far stronger. Men have sold their souls for this plan in return for worldly rewards of wealth and power. Who does this plan benefit? It benefits The Architect of New World Order, and the foolish men who have pushed this agenda. It's time to connect all the pieces to the puzzle. You've seen the world of deception around you. You can agree that it's a world of lies. Do you know who the prophets have att’ibuted such an age of deception to? The Antichrist/dajjal. Do you know what the false messiah is called in Islam? “Al Aawar Al Dajjal” which literally translates to “The One Eyed Deceiver”. Let me ask you, Do you think its just a coincidence that this title was given to this false messiah? Is it just a coincidence that the elite have chosen the “One Eye” as their symbol? The Antichrist/Dajjal has been ruling earth for years! So is he a being or a consciousness? He will most definitely be both!
If you look you’ll see the pyramid is built except for the top. It’s built except for the top, the eye is suspended upon the top it hasn't come down yet. For they believe until they finished the masonic project which is what they say on the bottom novus ordo seclorum and the annuit coeptis he is pleased with our project. in other word the god they believe in is pleased with our project. What is the project? This is the question. What is the project that this god is pleased with. The project is literally the secularization of the world. To completely strip the world from religious belief. This is the project and that is why it is called Novus ordo seclorum. A New Secular or worldly order.
Now listen closely
Speech by the legendary Shiekh Imran Hussein
The quran and the prophet Allah’s blessings be upon him directed our attention to another actor as powerful as gog and magog. Who is he? He is dajjal the false messiah or the antichrist. why is he known as the false messiah? ?! because his mission is to impersonate the true messiah. the true messiah was the son of mary nebi isa aleyhiselam. jesus. peace and blessings of allah be upon him. when allah sent him he had sent us the true messiah with a mission to rule the world from Jerusalem from holy israel.
Meaning the false messiah, will try and rule the world from none other than...
And so dajjal is close to the completion of his mission. The messenger of allah nebi muhammed aleyhiselam informed us of the release of dajjal into the world during his lifetime. During his lifetime. he went to state that when dajjal is released into the world he would live on earth for forty days. One day like a year, One day like a month, One day like a week, And the rest of his days like your (human) days. When dajjal was in a day which is like a year, britton was his headquarters and when dajjal moved to a day which is like a month the united states of america became his headquarters and finally when dajjal is going to be in a day like a week he comes back home to the holy land. He comes back home to the holy land. dajjal has already completed his first !? a day like a year when Britain was the ruling state in the world, and the sterling pound the international currency". And then dajjal moved to day which is like a month and the united states replaced britain as a ruling state in the world and the us dollar became the international currency and now the united states is about to relinquish power and israel is about to replace the united states in the world. and what will be the new money. answer. the u.s. dollar is going to be attacked, and it will collapse, and bring down all the paper money in the world. You won’t see paper money after that. What is going to be our new money? What is the new money that israel will use to enslave mankind. the way the united states used the U.S. dollar. answer israel's going to use invisible money you can't see it. intangible money, you can't touch it. it will be electronic money. And the strange the strangest thing about electronic money is that it is controlled by the banking system around the world. and the jews control the banking system. that's not an uncharitable statement. that's not an invalid statement. that's the truth. according to islam, one heavenly year is like a 1000 uman years, and as such we can understand that the dajjal ruled from britain for 1000 years. by no coincidence the british monarchy dates back to the year 900. In 1917 America officially enters the World War and this is the step that establishes it as the new global Super Power. I Want You for U.S. Army. The dajjal rules from there in a "day like a month". So if a year equals a 1000 years. A month would be 1000 / 12. Which equals 83 years. 1917 + 83 = the year 2000 I George Walker Bush-- do solemnly swear—In the year 2000—That I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States. In 2001 All independent research proves 9-11 was an inside job. In 2002. Afghanistan gets invaded. In 2003. Ieaq gets invaded. In 2006. Lebanon gets bombarded. In the years following Sept. 11th, The United states establishes bases in over 10 countries across the Middle East. Securing the rulership and safety of Israel.
As the final capital of The New World Order! Just like Prophet Mohammed (pbuhf) revealed 1400 years ago.
A Noreagaaa & Achernahr Production
Stay Tuned
To be continued inshallah..
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