عرض مشاركة واحدة

الصورة الرمزية عبد الحسن2
عبد الحسن2
رقم العضوية : 19912
الإنتساب : Jun 2008
المشاركات : 1,321
بمعدل : 0.22 يوميا

عبد الحسن2 غير متصل

 عرض البوم صور عبد الحسن2

  مشاركة رقم : 36  
كاتب الموضوع : عبد الحسن2 المنتدى : منتـدى سيرة أهـل البيت عليهم السلام
قديم بتاريخ : 05-06-2010 الساعة : 01:45 AM

اللَّهُمَّ كُنْ لِوَلِيِّكَ الحُجَّةِ بْنِ الحَسَنِ صَلَواتُكَ عَلَيْهِ وَعَلَى آبائِهِ في هذِهِ السَّاعَةِ وَفي كُلِّ سّاعَةٍ وَلِيّاً وَحافِظاً وَقائِداً وَناصِراً وَدَليلاً وَعَيْناً حَتّى تُسْكِنَهُ أرْضَكَ طَوْعاً وَتُمَتِّعَهُ فيها طَويلاً بِرَحَمَتِكَ يَاأَرحّمِ الَرَاحِمِينْ

The Arrivals pt. 7 (pharaohs of today)

The foundations of the Antichrist

The Holy Quran states,

48) Truly, it has been revealed to us that the torment will be for him who denies (believes not in the Oneness of Allah, and in His Messengers, etc.) and turns away. (from the truth and obedience of Allah (God)”

49) Firavun (pharaoh) said: “Who then, O Moosa (Moses), is the Lord of you two?”

50) Moosa (Moses)) said: “Our Lord is He who gave to each thing its form and nature, ten guided it aright.”

51) (Firavun (Pharaoh)) said: “What about the generations of old?”

52) (Moosa (Moses)) said: “The knowledge thereof is with my Lord, in a Record. My Lord is neither unaware nor (does) He forget.”

53) Who has made earth for you like a bed (spread out); and has opened roads (ways and paths etc.) for you therein; and has sent down water (rain) from the sky. And we have brought forth with it various kinds of vegetation.

54) Eat and pasture your cattle, (therein); verily, in this are proofs and signs for men of understanding.

55) Thereof (the earth) We created you, and into it We shall return you, and from it We shall bring you out once again.

56) And indeed We showed him (Firaun (Pharaoh)) all Our signs and Evidences, but he denied and refused.

78) Then Firaun (Pharaoh) pursued them with his hosts, but the sea-water completely overwhelmed them and covered them up.

79) and firaun (Pharaoh) led his people astray and he did not guide them.

Surit Taha

Anyone who is familiar with the Quran understand that one of the main miracles of this great book, is the fact that it is, and will forever be, relevant applicable to all ages.

Therefore one can understand that the example of the pharaoh in the Quran, does not only apply to that one pharaoh who faced moses.

But to any system of power and rule, that challenges the oneness and authority of God, with that of their own.

I introduce to you the Pharaohs of today…

Mysteries – Ancient Mysteries

Those ancient secrets have been hidden by the ruling class beneath the shifting sands of Egypt more then four thousand years.

The ancient Egyptians kept detailed records of their culture and history in tombs and temples and on pottery.

Don’t you wonder why, every single detail of ancient Egyptian life was included in their records, but nothing was found regarding their most accomplished work, the pyramids.

Why was nothing mentioned about how the pyramids were built?

And more importantly why??

Because this ancient mystery, or secret, is a big piece of the puzzle.

The following is evidence of their pharaonic system.

Number 1: What is the stone of Jacob, a Hebrew patriarch doing beneath the queens throne chair?

Number 2: Why was the queen crowned at her coronation ceremony on top of a symbolic Egyptian step pyramid?

Number 3: The monarchs crown has 12 stones at the base each representing the 12 hebrew tribes. The 12 stones of the 12 tribes were also worn on the breast plate of Hebrew high priests in Canaan.

Number 4: the union jack represents the reunion of the united kingdom of the 12 tribes of Jacob or jack-up the union jack is red white and blue the same colours as the three crowns of Egypt.

Number 5: the royal cepter originiates in ancient Egypt and was carried by the Egyptian god amen and by Egyptian pharaohs who called themselves the son of god. The royal cepter is now carried by pharaonic decendant queen Elizabeth the second. Her cepter contains the worlds largest cut diamond: the star of Africa.

Number 6: The queens punishing flail or whip is partially hidden under her arm. The flail or whip also originates with the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt.

Number 7: The symbol of the bee can be found in the queens royal wardrobe. In ancient Egypt these were the symbol of Egyptian royalty as well as the symbol of Egypt.

Number 8: the symbols on the british coat of arms reveal brittans Hebrew origin.

Number 9: the head dress worn by judges and the queens high ranking officials originate in ancient Egypt.

Number 10: kilts like the one worn by prince Charles originate with the Egyptian pharaohs who wore white kilts.

God save queen Elizabeth. Long live queen Elizabeth. May the queen live forever.

Number 15: incest was practiced by ancient Egyptian royalty. Mothers married sons and brothers married sisters to keep the power and the money all in the family.

And the list goes on…

We are still ruled by the same pharaohic bloodline today!!

World Monarch, Crown council of 13, Committee of 300, Think Tanks (The Round Table), World Financial Control, IMF, WB, Central Banks, Tax Revenue, interest revenue, Bank of International Settlements, World Resource control, Corporations, World Population Control, Church, Governments, Schools, Media, Population Resource, Debt Slaves

The following is a presentation by Freedomtou

Bismillah Il Rahman Il Raheem. To the People of Pharaoh, too aforetime, came Warners (from Allah).

Sadaqua Allah al Atheem. Surat Al Quamar

There is something very fishy going on here in Dubai with people of the Pharaoh

This is the tallest building on the planet. Gives me the creeps everytime I see it.

It can be seen from anywhere in Dubai.

Always covered in mist

The emarites towers

Along with the DIFC building, they are called…

The gates

The Octagon Pyramids

For now, lets take a look at the WAFI shopping mall

Dedicated to the Pharaoh Gods

Wafi means: One who is loyal

Wanna have a closer look at this pharaoh structure??

Would you like to see the inside?

You’ll have to stay tuned..

And trust me you wouldn’t want to miss it.

To be continued inshallah..

A Noreagaaa & Achernahr Production



توقيع : عبد الحسن2
اللهم صل وسلم على محمد وآل محمد
اللهم صل وسلم على محمد وآل محمد
اللهم صل وسلم على محمد وآل محمد
" فَمَنْ يَكْفُرْ بِالطَّاغُوتِ وَيُؤْمِنْ بِاللَّهِ "
لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله
إمام زماني حجة الله
المستبصر عبد الحسن
من مواضيع : عبد الحسن2 0 مشروع تجريم مشايخ التكفير ومنعهم من دخول الإتحاد الأوروبي
0 حوار حول أحاديث الدجال في مصادر الفريقين
0 تم تفريغ سلسلة القادمون في منتدى الامام المهدي
0 أسس قدوم الدجال (القادمون) القسم الخامس والأخير
0 أسس قدوم الدجال (القادمون) القسم الرابع
رد مع اقتباس