اللَّهُمَّ كُنْ لِوَلِيِّكَ الحُجَّةِ بْنِ الحَسَنِ صَلَواتُكَ عَلَيْهِ وَعَلَى آبائِهِ في هذِهِ السَّاعَةِ وَفي كُلِّ سّاعَةٍ وَلِيّاً وَحافِظاً وَقائِداً وَناصِراً وَدَليلاً وَعَيْناً حَتّى تُسْكِنَهُ أرْضَكَ طَوْعاً وَتُمَتِّعَهُ فيها طَويلاً بِرَحَمَتِكَ يَاأَرحّمِ الَرَاحِمِينْ
The Arrivals pt. 6 (the battle of human energy)
Part 4: the foundations of the Antichrist
For those who found the concept of the previous part difficult to understand, here’s a quick review of the basics.
We previously discussed how you are controlled on 3 separate but interrelated levels.
1. Mind
2. Body
3. Soul
If you don’t understand your potential, you wont be able to grasp the significance of such a system of control. So here’s the concept you need to grasp. Everything is energy!! When you break your body down to its smallest structure, beyond the cells and the molecules, what do you find? Atoms, electrons and protons. What does this mean?? It means that you, at your most basic form are made up of energy.
And so is the world and the universe around you. (Subhanallah) This means that God has created you as energy transmitters, where you can be affected by the energy around you, and more importantly where you can affect the energy around you. You can release positive energy or negative energy You can also be affected by positive or negative energy How does this work??
If you start releasing positive energy and at high vibrations, this energy will combine with exterior energy of the same kind… POSITIVE. This Keeps you on a positive energy field. If you are releasing negative energy, this combines with exterior negative energy and keeps you in a negative field of energy, bringing negativity back. Hence the saying “what goes around comes around”. So you are very much affected by the energy of your surrounding environment. That’s why you feel great around the positive and healing energy of nature.
And not so great around almost dead, if not negative energy of the city. When you enter a mosque, for example, you will directly feel the positive and spiritual energy. Most mosques have the big quote which states “do not bring to this house of God anything but the worship and remembrance of God” Its due to this worship, that the energy being channeled is so positive and spiritual. And this is why 99% of mosques are built the same way. To channel that positive energy!!
Octagon Pillars And domes Octagon pillars, and domes Almost every mosque is built either the octagon pillars, or the domes.
From your average mosque around the corner, to the most famous ones. Octagon Base, and a dome And this architecture is not exclusive to mosques. Why do you think this is so? Because octagons, domes and pyramids, are the most powerful structures for channeling energy. But what decides what type of energy is being channeled? The type of human activities taking place within that structure. And when it comes to government buildings, and other properties owned by the elite, Be sure that a lot of after hour activities or “rituals” are taking place that channel and harness negative or demonic energy.
Behind closed doors the freemasons were free to indulge in secret rites and rituals handed down to them by their ancestors and these became the basis of their levels of membership called degrees.
Almost every structure owned by the elite, uses what is known as sacred geometry, because this universal concept has been passed down the generations. Once you grasp the relation between energy, architecture, and you, you will begin to understand why things are built the way they are.
Now when it comes to “stargates”, what are we talking about? Stargates are locations on earth called “Vortex points” Due to the significant amount of energy which that point holds. What has happened is that the elite have built several of their monuments on these vortex points. And since the elite are Satanists, who believe that Lucifer is their real god… You should be able to figure out what type of energy is being channeled. Or the types of entities being invoked through these satanic rituals.
Politicians funded by the masons promoted the Masonic ideology. The secret lodges of the masons were open to the members of the French army, high ranking officers and generals were indoctrinated to the freemasons way of thinking. With the people, the politicians and the military of france under Masonic control the masons could finally strike. Freemasonry has worked in a hidden but constant manner to prepare the revolution. We are then in complete agreement that freemasonry was the only author of the revolution and the applause which I receive from the left and to which I’m little accustomed proves gentlemen that you acknowledge with me that it was masonry which made the French revolution.
When the so called founding fathers of America landed on Plymouth Rock, not only did they bring with them disfranchised people they also thaught the freemasonic elements of Europe. The injustices which the fathers of America were escaping from in Europe was also to be found in the new land in the form of a tyrannical british regime. In order to gain complete dominance of the new state the masons used the same method to gain control of France. Although the british monarchy was run by the masons the American war of independence was a necessary reaction. And the people involved in the war were expendable for the masons to fulfill their dream. Emotions of the people were manipulated into anger and just like france anger turned into war. This time however previous mistakes were not repeated. The near defeat the masons faced against napoleon and his army in Europe thought the mason a lesson. Any forthcoming leaders of the resistance must follow the Masonic agenda. The best way to do this was to ensure the leader himself was a mason. And the leader who took the war to the british was none other then George Washington. On the 4th of july 1776 the declaration of independence was made. On the 17th of October 1781 the british were finally defeated and surrendered the colonies to the Americans, and the worlds first Masonic state was born, a nation that would represent masonry in every way. The sign of the Masonic presence in America is plainly visible on the dollar bill which carried a picture of George Washington the first freemasonic president in the world and the picture of the freemasonic symbol of the so called all seeing one eye.
And the “New World Order” was born. In honor of the pharaohs of the past, and dedicated to their awaited final pharaoh, The Antichrist-Dajjal Foretold by the 3 holy religions and their great prophets (pbut) We should all be on the same page, fighting against our common enemy. But unfortunately, that isn’t happening. Hopefully this series will inspire such a dream. To be continued inshallah..
A Noreagaaa & Achernahr Production
الماسونية والثورة الفرنسية:
الماسونية والحرب الأهلية الأمريكية:
راجع كتاب أحجار على رقعة الشطرنج - وليم جاي كار
رابط التحميل للتنبيه ذكر في الحلقة الحلقة 2 وللإختصار