رقم العضوية : 19912
الإنتساب : Jun 2008
المشاركات : 1,321
بمعدل : 0.22 يوميا
كاتب الموضوع :
عبد الحسن2
المنتدى :
منتـدى سيرة أهـل البيت عليهم السلام
بتاريخ : 01-06-2010 الساعة : 03:15 AM
اللهم كن لوليك الحجة بن الحسن صلواتك عليه وعلى ابائه في هذه الساعه وفي كل ساعه وليا وحافظا وقائدا وناصرا ودليلا وعينا حتى تسكنه ارضك طوعا وتمتعه فيها طويلا برحمتك يا ارحم الراحمين
The Arrivals pt.3 (Childrens mind control)
The foundations of the antichrist
Mind control
This is an “R” rated episode
And the weapons they are using against you are your very homes. Entertaining you and your children and gradually indoctrinating you without you even realising. In today’s society people are spending more and more time engaged with modern media televison cinema computer games the internet popular fiction and popular music are integral parts of your lives. Yet these provide a vast expanse on information which you are taking either consciously or subconsciously into your mind. İnformation on society ranging from ideals and morals and the diffrence between right and wrong to the way societies and economies should be structered is past before you every single day. These media play a significant role in providing the basis by determining an individuals view of the world and everyhting that exists. Thus any one group in complete control of this information placed on these media will in effect have the power to indoctrinate practically the entire populus of the world to their way of thinking and it is this fact that the freemasons are exploiting. The masons are using the entertainment industry in particular to condition people to their way of thinking. Either openly or subliminally. The methods they use vary. But the goal is the same. To impose their beliefs their idiology and their objectives on you in such a way that you begin to think of them as your own.
The proof of this is very easy to find. All you have to do is research who owns and runs the media of the world.
You’ll find out that its the same type of minority that runs and survives on secret societies.
Zionist luciferian jews
Many of them ashkenazi
They own and run the music media, movie, entertainment, and porn industry. For the sole purpose of indoctrinating you through mind control.
Do you think its just a coincidence that this group of people own all the media?
Not at all, especially when you realize that their survival depends on you being brainwashed and indoctrinated.
Can a free-thinking and well structured society be ruled by tyrants?
Obviously not, so other than indoctrinating you with ideas and views.
They have carried out a well devised sinister and satanic plan, to spread corruption among society.
Because a corrupted society which becomes lost, is one which can be easily ruled...
Because one who stands for nothing will fall for anything.
And that is the society they are building for the antichrist’s arrival.
How else will you accept their new world order?
The evolution of the stars or “idols”, should be a clear indicator to the plans of the people behind these industries.
Sex he has alone
The most satisfying sex position
Are you ever a (expletive deleted)?
Pure entertainment right?
Then explain this “trip” that dumb and his mouse friend go through.
Sex (lion king)
All coincidence right?
We are all victims of their evil conditioning.
To create a sex sigil in a cartoon, the artist would use a technique in which he/she would start the artwork with drawing a sex symbol then by concealing it in the artwork. This activates a child’s sexuality at a very early age.
The origins of psychological warfare were in nazi germany and in the nazi ideology they had something called Weltanschauungskrieg, which means world view warfare. The idea for them is imposing the nazi world veiw on the countries they had occupied. The americans dubbed this idea created an american version of it and called that psychological warfare.
The result...
Mind control in america
Exposing the strategy to manipulate your mind
To be continued inshallah
A noreagaaa & achernahr production