رقم العضوية : 19912
الإنتساب : Jun 2008
المشاركات : 1,321
بمعدل : 0.22 يوميا
كاتب الموضوع :
عبد الحسن2
المنتدى :
منتـدى سيرة أهـل البيت عليهم السلام
بتاريخ : 01-06-2010 الساعة : 01:38 AM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
اللهم كن لوليك الحجة بن الحسن صلواتك عليه وعلى ابائه في هذه الساعه وفي كل ساعه وليا وحافظا وقائدا وناصرا ودليلا وعينا حتى تسكنه ارضك طوعا وتمتعه فيها طويلا برحمتك يا ارحم الراحمين
تابع الحلقة 2
النص الأصلي بالإنجليزية:
The Arrivals pt.2 (Mind Control feat. George Carlin)
The Foundations of the Antichrist
I need to ask a very important question…
What is the most efficient and effective way to control the world?
Two words…
Mind Control!
“You probably noticed I don’t feel about that war the way we were told we were supposed to feel about that war. The way we were ordered and instructed by the united states government to feel about that war. You see—I tell ya—My mind doesn’t work that way. I got this really moron thing I do. It’s called thinking and I’m not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions. I don’t just roll over when I’m told to. Sad to say most Americans just roll over on command. Not me. I have certain rules I live by. My first rule: “I don’t believe anything the government tells me. Nothing. Zero. No.”
One of the saddest things about our history, is how much it has repeated itself.
The following words were stated in 1991, and one can swear that Mr Carlin was speaking about our current events.
And I don’t take very seriously the media or the press in this country. Who in the case of the Persian gulf war were unpaid employees of the department of defense and who most of the time function as an un official public relations agency for the united states government. So I don’t listen to them. I don’t really believe in my country. And I’ve got to tell you folks. I don’t get all chocked up about yellow ribbons and American flags. Now to balance the scale I like to talk about things that bring us together. Things that point out our similarities instead of our differences. Because that’s all the media and the politicians are ever talking about the things that separate us, things that make us different from one another. That’s the way the ruling class operates in any society. They try to divide the rest of the people. They keep the lower and the middle classes fighting with each other so that they the rich can run off with all the (expletive deleted) money. Fairly simple thing. Happens to work. You know. Anything different. That’s what they are going to talk about. Race, religion, ethnic and national background, jobs, income, education, social status, sexuality, anything you can do to keep us fighting with each other so that they can keep going to the bank. You know how I describe the economic and social classes in this country? The upper class keeps all of the money, pays none of the taxes. The middle class pays all of the taxes. Does all of the work. The poor are there to scare the (expletive deleted) out of the middle class keep them to showing to those jobs.
This is a word that they are going to use on you. Politicians hide behind three things. The flag the bible and children. No child left behind. No child left behind. Oh really? Well it wasn’t long ago you were talking about giving kids a headstart. Head start? Left behind. Someone is losing (expletive deleted) ground here. But there is a reason. There is a reason. There is a reason for this. There is a reason that education sucks. It is the same reason that is going to never ever, ever be fixed. It’s never going to be any better. Don’t look for it. Be happy with what you’ve got. Because the owners of this country don’t want that. I’m talking about the real owners now. The big wealthy business interest that control things and make all the important decisions. Forget the politicians. They are irrevelant. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don’t. you have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They long since bought and paid for the senate, the congress the state houses, the city halls, they’ve got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media news companies all the big media companies so they control just about all the news and information you get to hear. They’ve got you by the balls. They spent millions of dollars every year lobbying to get what they want. Well we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for eveverybody else. But I’ll tell what they don’t want. They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking. They are not interested in that. That doesn’t help them. That’s against their interest. That’s right. You know something? They don’t want people who are smart enough to sit around a kitchen table figuring out how badly they are getting (expletive deleted) by a system that threw them overboard 30 (expletive deleted) years ago. They don’t want that. You know what they want? They want obedient workers. Obedient workers. People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paper work and just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly (expletive deleted) jobs with the lower pay the longer hours the reduced benefits the end of over time and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you are going to collect it. And now, they are coming for your social security money. They want your (expletive deleted) retirement money. They want it back. So that they can give it to their criminal friends on wall street. And you know something? They’ll get it. They’ll get it all from you sooner or later. Cause they own this (expletive deleted) place. It’s a big club. And you aint in it. You and I are not in the big club.
In memory of George carlin: 1937 – 2008
The greatest form of control is where you think you are free when you are being fundamentally manipulated and dictated to. One form of dictatorship is being in a prison cell and you can see the bars and touch it. The other one is sitting in a prison cell but you can’t see the bars and you think you are free.
What the human race is suffering from is mass hypnosis. We are being hypnotized by people like this. News readers, politicians, teachers, lecturers. We are in a country and in a world that is run by unbelievably sick people. The chasm between what is told being going on and what is going on is absolutely enormous. The greatest hypnotist on planet earth is an oblong box in the corner of the room. It is constantly telling us what to believe is real.
Historically the control and manipulation of political opinion has been the freemasons main weapon in gaining control in countries and states. Once in control of the rulers and politicians of a country laws and political structures could be changed in accordance with their agenda. However since restricting the body doesn’t mean restricting the mind the freemason recognizes that their plan for a global government hinges greatly on subduing the masses to their agenda and thus eliminating opposition to their cause. And their greatest threat to their plan posing more danger then any army or law is the threat of a free thinking mind. In order to eliminate this thread and to achieve their objective the masons have set about their boldest plan ever divised, the complete control of every aspect of human life. Your life. And the weapons they are using against you are in your very homes. Entertaining you and your children. Gradually indoctrinating you without you even realizing.
Noam Chomsky
Media control
The spectacular achievements of propaganda
Breaking news
Two planes crash into towers of world trade center
A vote for boosh is a vote for me.
Real Americans
Defend Israel!
This is the new middle east we’re talking about.
The O’reilly factor dominates cable news
The perfect enemy
Sex drugs and violence
Our naughtiest sex q&a
Naughty sex tricks
(let out your inner bad girl)
The sexiest things to do after sex
Naughty sex
To be continued inshallah…
A Noreagaaa & Achernahr Production
جورج كارلين George Carlin :
May 12, 1937 – June 22, 2008)
ممثل كوميدي أمريكي, له عدة أفلام سينمائية وتلفزيونية ومسرحية, تركزت أعماله على عيوب أمريكا في العصر الحديث.
وعلق على الكثير من القضايا السياسية المعاصرة في الولايات المتحدة وهجا تجاوزات [COLOR=window****]الثقافة الأميركية
فهو ضد الحروب والتمييز العنصري والمجتمع المحافظ، من سلبياته أنه ملحد وذو ألفاظ بذيئة.
دايفيد ايك david icke :

له محاضرات عديدة ضد النظام العالمي الجديد
و كتب تختص بفضائح النخبة منها كتاب السر الاعظم او الاكبر The Biggest Secret
لتحميل الكتاب (بالانجليزية):
الماسونية: تم الحديث عن جذور الماسونية من خلال سرد تاريخ اليهود القديم وحركة فرسان المعبد والكابالا. وسيتم التطرق لبعض خفايا الماسونية خلال الحلقات الآتية.
كتب عن الماسونية باللغة العربية للتحميل:
أحجار على رقعة الشطرنج – وليام جاي كار
حكومة العالم الخفية - شيريب سبيريدوفيتش- مامون سعيد
ناعوم تشومسكي Noam Chomsky:

وهو من المفكرين الامريكيين, و[COLOR=window****]أستاذ جامعي[/COLOR] في [COLOR=window****]اللغويات[/COLOR] في [COLOR=window****]معهد ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا[/COLOR] ومعروف على نطاق واسع [COLOR=window****]كناشط[/COLOR] سياسي، وبانتقاده [COLOR=window****]للسياسة الخارجية[/COLOR] [COLOR=window****]للولايات المتحدة[/COLOR] والحكومات الأخرى.
من كتبه كتاب سيطرة الاعلام (الكتاب بالإنجليزية)
ماذا يريد العم سام؟