عضو فضي
رقم العضوية : 44450
الإنتساب : Oct 2009
المشاركات : 1,773
بمعدل : 0.32 يوميا
كاتب الموضوع :
إشـ ولاء ـراقة
المنتدى :
المنتدى العام
بتاريخ : 28-02-2010 الساعة : 05:18 AM
نقاء الروح ~
اقتباس :
??I haven't 2 translate all of the words , have I:confused:
It's up to you. If you understand them of course you don't need to translate them, but if you don't then obviously you should ^^
You have a mistake there by the way
*I don't have to
*?do I
اقتباس :
That's way I told u about meanings at first
to know only the common meaning
but also searching with ourselves is better;)
What a word means depends on the sentence honey
most of the words are clear though and might only have one meaning
?can you figure out what is wrong with the words I coloured red
اقتباس :
thnx ..
I wish 2 not forget so 
I hope I don't forget so*
اقتباس :
thnx 2 say so .. I wish 2 join all your lessons;)
This expression is incorrect sweety
As for this one, a better expression would be:
I hope I joing all of your classes
I'd love to join all of your calsses
never say I wish to
you just say I wish, or I hope
don't add "to" to these words
It's nice having you in my class honey, my pleasure ^^
اقتباس :
so that's the reason ..
ok I'll do it & forgive me 4 writing a lot when u r busy :p.. 
Yes it is
No it's fine feel free to chat as much as you like, it's a good way to practice your English ;)