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احمد14 05-03-2010 04:27 AM

من برامج الحماية

avast! Antivirus Pro & Internet Security 5.0.447 Ml

Title: avast! Antivirus Pro & Internet Security 5.0.447
Category: Programs
Developer: avast
Year: 2010
About the program: Avast! - Anti-virus software that can find viruses on the PC hard disk, in his memory, boot sectors, etc. Supported virus scan in the letters, there is a script blocker. Virus database is constantly updated and can be downloaded via the Internet. Avast! has a simple and understandable interface with skins support. Available in two versions - Home Edition (free for private use) and Professional Edition (fee required for organizations).

Main features of the free version of avast! 5.0
• High-performance virus scanning module
• Protection against rootkits
• Protection against spyware
• Russian interface

The main components of avast! Free Antivirus 5.0
• Display a file system - the main component of the scanner in real time avast!. He keeps track of all files and programs on your computer
• Screen-mail monitors all traffic programs for e-mail and scans all emails before they reach your computer, thus preventing possible damage.
• Web-screen analyzes all your actions when visiting Web sites on the Internet and to prevent any threats before they zametit your web browser
• The screen monitors P2P download most applications, P2P (peering programs), virtually all neutralizing the security risks associated with this type of program
• Screen Internet chat intercepts all downloads of applications for instant messaging (ICQ, etc.) and checks them for viruses
• Firewall avast antivirus monitors all network activity and blocks viruses that try to infect your system through the network. In addition, the screen is blocking access to known malicious Web sites
• The screen monitors the system behavior for suspicious behavior, ***** the user of any unusual activity

احمد14 05-03-2010 04:34 AM


McAfee Internet Security 2010 3-User PCs

McAfee Internet Security a convenient solution for comprehensive security, ideal for people who are constantly using the Internet for data exchange, shopping, banking and trading operations or for entertainment. He has composed award winning tool for web security McAfee SiteAdvisorR Plus, which warns you about suspicious Web sites and blocks them.[/center]

McAfee Internet Security protects the family and the entire computer network from viruses, spyware, *******, identity thieves and online fraudsters. It also provides parental control. In the products program McAfee Internet Security, which now uses a revolutionary technology Active Protection, provides proactive protection for your computer against various threats. Now do not need to wait for hours, as when using traditional methods the program analyzes and blocks new threats in a fraction of a second. Active Protection the best technology to ensure protection against constantly evolving Internet threats.

McAfee Internet Security makes regular automatic updates, which helps to ensure a protection against evolving Internet threats.

Virus Protection
McAfee VirusScan Plus automatically protects your computer from viruses, mass mailing worms, Trojans and many other viruses. The program also automatically removes viruses, or puts them in quarantine, with minimal interference in your computer.

Protection from *******
Continuous monitoring of incoming and outgoing traffic can effectively deal with McAfee to ******* and fraudsters involved in identity theft and to prevent operation of malicious programs that can seize control of the system (for example, to send unsolicited messages), or introduce a virus program that violate privacy. Quick and easy installation, customizable security levels, the function of the visual trace the path, smart *****s, full screen mode andautomatically customized functions all this will fine tune your protection , identify the source of the threat and act to block suspicious programs that may transfer your personal data in the right place.

Spyware protection
McAfee Protection from spyware can detect, block and remove spyware, adware and other suspicious programs before they try to steal passwords to log into the system ( keyboard loggers ), or start tracking your movements on the network or (files ******) or output screen a large and intrusive ads while browsing the internet. Better protection based on the new built in protection agains**iruses and spyware. Now this protection detects and blocks tracking a ******.

Privacy Policy
McAfee Internet Security helps protect your personal data and financial information (such as name, telephone number, credit card number and bank account) from the unauthorized transmission over the Internet. Function McAfeeShredder can permanently delete confidential files and thereby protect your privacy.

McAfee tools to protect against viruses, spyware, spam, and firewall work together, forming a layered defense against threats to identity thieves who can use a combination of malware to steal files, credentials to enter the financial system, and other personal information, identifying the user.

Protection from spam and fraudulent actions by e mail
McAfee Internet Security automatically detects and blocks unwanted messages, including messages in foreign languages, as well as letters by which the fraudsters can get users to run a virus. Thus, junk mail is blocked and you receive only messages from trusted sources. Regular anti spam filter updates ensureprotection against spam. The exact mechanisms of analysis, filtering and blocking unwanted messages can reduce the number of locks allowed letters.

Protecting children from harmful influences at work in the Internet
McAfee Internet Security helps protect family members from viewing inappropriate Web ******* and online predators by age settings and easy to use filtering options. In addition, the package includes McAfee ImageAnalyzer, protecting children from viewing obscene images.

Backing up and restoring files
McAfee Internet Security provides automatic backup, preserving irreplaceable photos, music files, video files and ********s on CD , DVD , USB media, or external or network drives. Extract files from archives possible with a single click.

On the file:
Language: English
File format: rar
Platform / OS: Windows All
Enabling | reg code: Serial Inside
Size: 110 MB



احمد14 05-03-2010 04:56 AM


Kaspersky Internet Security 2010

وهو من أشهر برامج الحماية الاكيدة

لتحميل نسخة الاصدار العربي

Kaspersky Internet Security

Version 2010 (

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2010

Version 2010 (

يا امير المؤمنين 05-03-2010 05:14 PM

بارك الله بيك على البرامج

bahaa ali 05-03-2010 10:29 PM

بِسْمِ اللهِ الْرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيِمِ

الَلَّهٌمَّ صَلَ عَلَىَ مٌحَمَّدْ وَآلِ مُحّمَّدْ وعَجِّلْ فَرَجَهُمْ وَالْعَنْ أَعْدَائَهُمْ

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
اللهم صل على محمد وال محمد الطاهرين
بارك الله بك اخي الفاضل
جزيت كل خير

احمد14 06-03-2010 07:43 AM

شكرا لكم اخواني على هذا المرور الكريم

احمد14 07-03-2010 09:30 AM

الاصدار الجديد من برنامج الحماية الشامل

AVG Internet Security 9.0.787 Build 2721 Multilanguage

من أفضل برامج الحماية للحاسوب

حجم البرنامج 117 MB
تحميل البرنامج

احمد14 09-03-2010 08:11 AM

الاصدار الجديد من برنامج

AVG Anti-Virus Plus Firewall 9.0.790 Build 2730 Multilanguage


حجم البرنامج 101 Mb


من هنا


من هنا

احمد14 20-03-2010 09:03 PM

الحماية الشامله من

NOD32 Smart Security Business Edition 4.2.35 + Update ID/PW

ESET Smart Security is a tightly integrated solution designed to protect computers from a range of threats. Built on the award-winning ESET NOD32® Antivirus and its powerful ThreatSense® engine, ESET Smart Security provides antispyware, antispam and customized firewall features. Utilizing ThreatSense — the industry's most advanced heuristics — the window of vulnerability between virus outbreak and signature update is reduced.
The key advantage of this approach is that individual protection modules are able to communicate together seamlessly, to create unparalleled synergy to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of protection. Moreover, the integrated architecture guarantees optimal utilization of system resources, so ESET Smart Security continues ESET's well know reputation for providing rock solid security in a small footprint that will not slow down an individual's computer.

ESET Smart Security 4.2.35:
* Fix: Issues with HTTP scanner with longer domain names ( support for length of domain name to 256 characters)
* Fix: Issues after PC restart when firewall system integration is "only scan application protocols"
* Fix: When ESS installed with disabled FW, dialog about trusted networks not displayed
* Fix: Installation of ESS using Remote Desktop; after selecting firewall's "Interactive mode", the session will interrupt
* Fix: Long file name makes trouble with logs in "******** protection enabled" mode
* Fix: Scan profile settings not retained after reinstallation
* Fix: Open ESI log of EAV doesn't work on Microsoft Windows NT4.0
* Fix: Not possible to save EAV's ESI log and export service script on Microsoft Windows NT4.0
* Fix: Wrong settings imported from ESS configuration cause problems in EAV
* Fix: All ESI logs are lost after upgrade from V4 to V4.2
* Fix: Impossible to delete the on-demand Scan Log in ESS
* Fix: Fixed ceasing of scan tasks when logged in as standard user
* Fix: Minor issues with Trusted zone conversion from older to newer version
* Fix: Unification of behavior when disabling some parts of EAV/ESS/EMS in the main settings window
* Fix: Possible to delete log of a running on-demand scan
* Fix: X64 Vista + win7: UAC appears when opening ESI log from ESS/EAV GUI
* Fix: Minor Thunderbird and Outlook issues

Update Key:
Username: EAV-28508687 Password: d7mctj6b6a
Username: EAV-28508691 Password: a84jm2fdmx
Username: EAV-28508711 Password: f2v84nafs8
Username: EAV-28508715 Password: d3dfu4kkbx
Username: EAV-28508724 Password: u4sd63tsu7
Username: EAV-28508670 Password: jsre4j2k3m
Username: EAV-28473790 Password: dhfmk4nu7u
Username: EAV-28278199 Password: mjams5pb55
Username: EAV-28398959 Password: 3xxf3emmn2
Username: EAV-28508648 Password: 3tnkn47b5x
Username: EAV-28508657 Password: hu5fx2ehn6
Username: EAV-28508661 Password: v85amn4vrt
Username: EAV-28508664 Password: f4bbeadth5

Download BIT 32
HOTFIEL , rapidshare , uploaded

Download BIT 64
uploaded , rapidshare , HOTFIEL

احمد14 20-03-2010 09:06 PM

الاصدار الجديد من برنامج

NOD32 Antivirus Business Edition 4.2.35 + Update ID/PW

NOD32 Antivirus 4.2.35:
Fix: issues with HTTP scanner with longer domain names ( support for length of domain name to 256 characters)
Fix: Long file name makes trouble with logs in "******** protection enabled" mode
Fix: Scan profile settings not retained after reinstallation
Fix: Open ESI log from EAV doesn't work on Microsoft Windows NT4.0
Fix: Not possible to save EAV's ESI log and export service script on Microsoft Windows NT4.0
Fix: All ESI logs are lost after upgrade from V4 to V4.2
Fix: Fixed ceasing of scan tasks when logged in as standard user
Fix: Unification of behavior when disabling some parts of EAV/ESS/EMS in the main settings window
Fix: Possible to delete log of a running on-demand scan
Fix: X64 Vista + win7: UAC appears during opening ESI log from ESS/EAV GUI
Fix: Minor Thunderbird and Outlook issues

Update Key:

Username: EAV-28671385 Password: abtu772spj
Username: EAV-28671438 Password: ke57js7s8t
Username: EAV-28671525 Password: fd6bher6xb
Username: EAV-28473826 Password: vdmmvhbcvs
Username: EAV-28473797 Password: ar5nusvafh
Username: EAV-28099898 Password: sccd6ar2t3
Username: EAV-28508616 Password: e6pd**f67x
Username: EAV-27481075 Password: jftu3u2hkv
Username: EAV-27480405 Password: sunrffvht3
Username: EAV-28473797 Password: ar5nusvafh
Username: EAV-28586088 Password: 84×8ff5ufx
Username: EAV-28586080 Password: vnh83c7cvk
Username: EAV-28451348 Password: fujf3etha6
Username: EAV-28642199 Password: n76ujdh4f7
Username: EAV-28343488 Password: nu3jp3snrc
Username: EAV-28508668 Password: d5rj8pnv2s
Username: EAV-28220485 Password: fmdje6v4eu
Username: EAV-28390600 Password: fs5cumf4xh
Username: EAV-28099805 Password: ppcddsux3p
Username: EAV-28473826 Password: vdmmvhbcvs
Username: EAV-28473808 Password: 52sr6h6ms7
Username: EAV-28473808 Password: 52sr6h6ms7


32 BIT

64 BIT

الشبكة: أحد مواقع المجموعة الشيعية للإعلام

الساعة الآن: 11:24 AM.

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