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A Small Article On The life of Imam Sajjad A.S)
In the Name of Allah, the All- merciful , the All-compassionate Al-Salaam Alaykum Majoureen Insha Allah Imam Sajjad’s surname (konyeh) is Abul Hassan and some of his respected nicknames are Zain – ul – Abedin, Sayyed – ul – Abedin, Zaki, Ameen and Sajjad. Imam Sajjad (A.S) spent, for his growth and spiritual development, for a period of two years during the caliphate of Imam Ali (A.S), for a period of 10 years with his uncle Imam Hassan (A.S), and for a period of 11 years to obtain proper education from his father Imam Hussein (A.S). In 60 Hajri, whom the issue of allrgiance to Yazid was raised, Imam Sajjad started his journey towards Mecca with his father and relatives and therefore he did not swar allegiance to Yazid. Finally, as a result of pursuance of the government officers on one hand, and the invitation of the people of Kuffa on the other hand, Imam Sajjad’s family was forced to go towards Kufa, however, unfaithfulness of the people of Kufa and attack by Yazid’s army forced them to stop in the land of Karbala. On the 10th day oh Muharram the fire of war was inflamed between the few number of Imam Hussein’s (A.S) supporters and the great number of the army of Yazid. His holiness Sajjad (A.S) was not allowed to participate in the bloody war on the daay of Ashura . because of his illness and severe fever, but he witnessed the martyrdom of his father, brothers, uncles and in short every man who was accompanying him. With the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (A.S), the heavy burden of Imamat ( spiritual leadership ) and the guidance of the Muslim community was forwarded to him. The beginning of the Imamat ( spiritual leadership) of his holiness Sajjad (A.S) coincided with his captivity in Karbala. When he was forced to go from Karbala to Kufa, the enemy had pleased iron collar and chains around his neck and had fastened his hands to his neck. ---------------------------------------------- Salaams & Duas |
مشكورة اختي عاشقه على الموضوع الرائع جدا
جزاج الله خيرا |
ashqa very nice |
شكرا اخي بسيت على المرور
نورت المكان |
اللهم صل على فاطمه وابيها وبعلها وبنيها والسر المستودع فيها بعدد مااحاط به علمك.......
انه قمر من الاقمار المنيره عزيزتي اجرك على صاحب السجده الطويله شكرا لك حبيبتي |
بسم الله تعالى
اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد غاليتي عاشقة النجف أشكركم على هذا الموضوع الجميل موفقه بحق الزهراء دمتم برعاية بقية الله تعالى |
الشبكة: أحد مواقع المجموعة الشيعية للإعلام الساعة الآن: 10:05 AM. بحسب توقيت النجف الأشرف |
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