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Imam Musa Al Kazom A.S with the slave girl
In the name of Allah Imam Musa Al Kazom A.S with the slave girl Harun chose a very beautiful slave girl. He ordered one of his special associate to send the slave girl to the Imam, peace be on him. He thought that the Imam would be fascinated by her. When she reached him, he, peace be on him, said to the messenger of Harun: “Rather, you are happy with your gift! I am in no need of this (slave girl) and the likes of her!” So the messenger took the slave girl and returned to Harun. He informed him of the words of the Imam, so he boiled with anger and said to him: “Go back to him and say to him: ‘We have imprisoned you not according to your consent; and we have served you not according to your consent.’ Leave the slave girl with him and go away.” That person informed the Imam of Harun’s statement. He left the slave girl with him and returned to Harun. Harun sent a servant of his to the prison, that he might watch the slave girl. When he reached her, he found her prostrating herself in prayer for her Lord. She did not raise her head and said during her prostration: “Most Holy! Most Holy!” So the servant went to Harun quickly and told him about her condition. Harun said: “By Allah, Musa b. Ja‘far has bewitched her! Bring her to me!” She was brought to him. She was shaking all over and looking towards the heaven. She was remembering and glorifying Allah. So Harun asked her: -What is the matter with you? -My matter is wonderful! I was standing and he was standing and performing prayers by day and night. After he had finished his prayers, I asked him: “Have you any need to give it to you?” -So the Imam said: What is my need with you? -I have been brought to you to grant your needs. The Imam said: “What are those?” He indicated with his hand to a direction. I turned. Suddenly I saw a garden full of flowers. I could not reached its end from its beginning with my eye, nor could I reached its beginning from its end. In it there were sitting places furnished with embroideries and silk. There were male and female servants. I have never seen the like of their faces in beauty, nor have I seen the like of their clothes. They were wearing green silk, crowns, pearls, and corundum. In their hands were ewers, handkerchiefs, and all kinds of food. So I prostrated myself in prayer and continued so until this servant made me rise. I saw myself where I was. Harun harbored malice against her, so he said to her: -O Wicked! Perhaps you had slept and dreamt of that! -No, by Allah, my master, I had seen that before I prostrated myself in prayer. So I prostrated myself in prayer for that. As a result al-Rashid turned to his servant and ordered him to arrest the slave girl and to conceal the event lest the people should hear of it. So the servant took her and detained her in his house. However, she devoted herself to the acts of worship and prayer. When she was asked about that, she said: “In this manner I saw the righteous servant. She added: “When I saw what I saw, the servants called me: ‘O so-and-so, go far away from the righteous servant, that we may come in to him. That is because we want to serve him.” She dedicated herself to the acts of worship until she died . _____ Al-Menaqib, vol. , pp. 263-264. |
بسمه تعالى
الرواية باللغة العربية : مناقب آل أبي طالب - ابن شهر آشوب - ج ٣ - الصفحة ٤١٥ وفي كتاب الأنوار قال العامري: ان هارون الرشيد انفذ إلى موسى بن جعفر جارية خصيفة لها جمال ووضاءة لتخدمه في السجن فقال: قل له: بل أنتم بهديتكم تفرحون لا حاجة لي في هذه ولا في أمثالها. قال: فاستطار هارون غضبا وقال: ارجع إليه وقل له: ليس برضاك حبسناك ولا برضاك خدمناك واترك الجارية عنده وانصرف. قال: فمضى ورجع، ثم قام هارون عن مجلسه وانفذ الخادم إليه ليتفحص عن حالها فرآها ساجدة لربها لا ترفع رأسها تقول: قدوس سبحانك سبحانك، فقال هارون: سحرها والله موسى بن جعفر بسحره، علي بها، فاتي بها وهي ترتعد شاخصة نحو السماء بصرها فقال: ما شأنك؟ قالت: شأني الشأن البديع اني كنت عنده واقفة وهو قائم يصلي ليله ونهاره، فلما انصرف من صلاته بوجهه وهو يسبح الله ويقدسه، قلت: يا سيدي هل لك حاجة أعطيكها؟ قال: وما حاجتي إليك! قلت: اني أدخلت عليك لحوائجك، قال: فما بال هؤلاء، قالت: فالتفت فإذا روضة مزهرة لا أبلغ آخرها من أولها بنظري ولا أولها من آخرها فيها مجالس مفروشة بالوشي والديباج وعليها وصفاء ووصايف لم أر مثل وجوهم حسنا ولا مثل لباسهم لباسا عليهم الحرير الأخضر والأكاليل والدر والياقوت وفي أيديهم الأباريق والمناديل ومن كل الطعام فخررت ساجدة حتى أقامني هذا الخادم فرأيت نفسي حيث كنت قال فقال هارون: يا خبيثة لعلك سجدت فنمت فرأيت هذا في منامك، قالت: لا والله يا سيدي إلا قبل سجودي رأيت فسجدت من اجل ذلك، فقال الرشيد: اقبض هذه الخبيثة إليك فلا يسمع هذا منها أحد فأقبلت في الصلاة فإذا قيل لها في ذلك، قالت هكذا رأيت العبد الصالح، فسئلت عن قولها قالت: اني لما عاينت من الامر نادتني الجواري يا فلانة ابعدي عن العبد الصالح حتى ندخل عليه فنحن له دونك. فما زالت كذلك حتى ماتت وذلك قبل موت موسى بأيام يسيرة. |
الشبكة: أحد مواقع المجموعة الشيعية للإعلام الساعة الآن: 01:56 PM. بحسب توقيت النجف الأشرف |
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