منتديات أنا شيعـي العالمية

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آمالٌ بددتها السنونْ 26-04-2009 09:27 PM

shaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa miss u dear littel sis,,, r u ok dear??!!!..... i really can't stay away frm this cute sbj LOL.... any way my mood is good but 'am littel tired n 'am gonna sign out aftr i post my reply... bye


عشق الكلمة 27-04-2009 01:04 AM

My mood right now is HaPpY
long time I didnt see my dear friends
really I miss you all

شيعيه ابا عن جد 28-04-2009 12:04 AM

and i miss sooooooooo much both wafaa & Ashiq alkilma
and all my friend here
i am fine but littel busy
iam soory

wish u all the best

عشق الكلمة 29-04-2009 01:32 AM

شيعية ابا عن جد
"I Really Miss You
"I hope you are well
My mood
is cool

شيعيه ابا عن جد 29-04-2009 12:09 PM

thaaanks alot my darling Ashq alkilma
miss u tooo
my mood now
cool 2

آمالٌ بددتها السنونْ 29-04-2009 01:48 PM


my mood not bad i guess..... lol any way spl hi 2 shaia n ashke alkalima... ve nice day all of u... seea


عاشقة أهل البيت 29-04-2009 08:46 PM

my mood now

no sad
no happy

no thing

I miss my teachers & friends

عشق الكلمة 29-04-2009 11:12 PM

Greetings to all, and certainly
to my special friends
شيعية ابا عن جد
و وفاء
Wafa for a long time dear I did not see your
name or read your words
Today Im In a http://www.s77.com/3DSmile/18/Happy-112.gifGood mood

أرجوان 30-04-2009 01:05 AM

I'm sick
I have cold

آمالٌ بددتها السنونْ 30-04-2009 11:20 AM

Good morning, I just woke half hr ago n i think it's early 2 write how i feel or whtever coz i still feel numb frm sleepin' any way...... dear ashke alkalima i miss u to n i know tht we didn't cross path frm long time but i always pray tht u alright spl whn i open this sbj n didn't see u.... ve nice day all of u Oh shaia my best 4 u

شيعيه ابا عن جد 02-05-2009 01:23 PM

thanks dear wafaa i love u from my heart

my mood now

not happy
not sad

قنوان دانية 02-05-2009 04:18 PM


شيعيه ابا عن جد 03-05-2009 09:24 AM

wellcome all
قنوان دانيه
i wish every day


آمالٌ بددتها السنونْ 03-05-2009 01:27 PM



عشق الكلمة 04-05-2009 02:44 AM

Not good But Not Bad
My Greetings to all

آمالٌ بددتها السنونْ 04-05-2009 11:56 AM

Good morning all, my mood ..............i dunno??!!! i just woke half hr ago n i'd weird dream but i feel good any way.... numb but good.... seea

شيعيه ابا عن جد 04-05-2009 09:32 PM

أرجوان 05-05-2009 02:13 PM

I am very sad today
I do not love me so, but
Conditions are the reason

شيعيه ابا عن جد 06-05-2009 12:48 AM

not happy
not sad

آمالٌ بددتها السنونْ 07-05-2009 11:58 AM

I'm in greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat mood ...... LOL.... Good morning ppl...... seea


شيعيه ابا عن جد 08-05-2009 10:47 AM

iam not very well today
i have headech
coz i didnt sleep last night

مواليه ! 08-05-2009 11:01 AM


have a Nice day


آمالٌ بددتها السنونْ 09-05-2009 03:33 PM

I'm in good mood 2day thank god... shaia i hope u r fine 2day..... my best 2 all of u

الهادىء 10-05-2009 01:00 AM

i am very happy today


ربيبة الزهـراء 10-05-2009 01:14 AM




آمالٌ بددتها السنونْ 10-05-2009 12:35 PM

I'm in bad bad bad mood but thts th way it's we can't http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_14_3.gif stay in good mood all th time


شيعيه ابا عن جد 10-05-2009 05:56 PM

saaaad very saad
مو قادره انسى اخوي علي العاشق
ولا الكلمه اللي دائما يقولها لي
شيعيه انتي ورده المنتدى
ياااااااااااااااارب والله مووو قاادره اتمنى امووت

اسيرة الحب 10-05-2009 11:44 PM

well according to my mood today it is

شيعيه ابا عن جد 11-05-2009 05:45 AM

i am in bad mood

آمالٌ بددتها السنونْ 11-05-2009 01:30 PM

I'm good 2day but still sad coz our dear brother passed away '' God ve mercy on him''..... sighed.... death is inevitable n we ve 2 accept it. tears n sadness would never bringe him back.... ve nice day all of you

شيعيه ابا عن جد 12-05-2009 06:55 PM

شيعيه ابا عن جد 13-05-2009 07:05 AM

i am very angry
my laptob dont write in arabic
only english
i want solution pleas

عيمي كويتي 13-05-2009 07:28 AM

خيتي العزيزه روحي على start بعدين طقي setting بعدين control panel بعدين دوري على regional and language option بعدين غيري الكورنت فورمات

آمالٌ بددتها السنونْ 13-05-2009 01:49 PM

LOL ...... 'am on my way u better watch out... wow ha ha haaaaa 'am in great mood 2day.... shaia n aimi kuatia helloooooooo my best guys


شيعيه ابا عن جد 14-05-2009 09:19 AM

I am very happy today
my bearth day

آمالٌ بددتها السنونْ 14-05-2009 11:36 AM

لا والله جد ؟؟!!!......
كل عام وانت بخير يالغالية صبر خلني اجيب شي حلو لحظه.....


وعقبااااااااااااال المية سنه .... كل عام وانتي بخير

شيعيه ابا عن جد 14-05-2009 05:22 PM

حبيبه قلبي وفووي
جد ما قصرتي ربي يخلييج يالغاليه ولا يحرمني منج
وانتي بخير وصحه وسلامه غاليتي
my mood bad
i have headech

شيعيه ابا عن جد 16-05-2009 01:15 AM

my mood bad

آمالٌ بددتها السنونْ 16-05-2009 03:17 PM

not bad .... not good... but it's ok 4 me

شيعيه ابا عن جد 16-05-2009 09:18 PM

i am in a good mood

wafaa dear how r u?
i hope u r fine


and i miss dear ishq alqilma i dont see her on my subject
i hope she is fine

الشبكة: أحد مواقع المجموعة الشيعية للإعلام

الساعة الآن: 07:48 PM.

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