منتديات أنا شيعـي العالمية

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عشق الكلمة 22-06-2009 02:10 AM

As You
شيعية أبا عن جد
I feel relax and happy
my best friend
The best solution
to feel good
change your mood

شيعيه ابا عن جد 22-06-2009 07:28 PM

أرجوان 22-06-2009 11:44 PM

Very happy

ايمان حسيني 23-06-2009 02:12 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة شيعيه ابا عن جد (المشاركة 825178)

Dont cry sweety everything is going 2 b o.k
i want2 c ur face shine withe big smile:)

ايمان حسيني 23-06-2009 02:14 AM

missing myself

آمالٌ بددتها السنونْ 23-06-2009 03:15 PM

I feel weird i dunno why??!!... but
ugh.... with out but.... 'am gonna
enjoy my day
my best 2 amal,, ashq alkalima and shaia

V1ral 23-06-2009 04:03 PM

mixed , confused & tired

آمالٌ بددتها السنونْ 24-06-2009 05:55 PM

my tears on my cheeks n my heart
in pain n hurt me so
i srarted my day in good mood but now
evry thing black in my eyes
n i feel lik dyin' it's all my fault
i promised my self not hurt her again but here
i'm repeattin' the sam mistake... am I stupid
or wht ??!!... i really wanna know
Oh God how much i hate him n hate my self
n evry thing spl this sensation they call LOVE



bestfriend 24-06-2009 06:17 PM

I have no mood right now
sleepy mood too

آمالٌ بددتها السنونْ 24-06-2009 07:32 PM

It was wrong of me 2 signed out from where i feel happy n
here between my sister n brothers my smile
always shine on my face
i'm ok n my mood is gonna be good 'am sure
of tht

الشبكة: أحد مواقع المجموعة الشيعية للإعلام

الساعة الآن: 03:47 AM.

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