منتديات أنا شيعـي العالمية

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*علي الأكبر* 27-03-2010 05:21 PM

how r u poeple!!!!!!!!!!! today i will try to finish reading some parts of my book so i will be able to have A+ so wish me luck

and by the way wht r u sleep poeple:p

Dr.Zahra 05-05-2010 03:17 AM

Peace be upon you

Good morning everyone

Is everyone okay

Now I feel sleepy and tired

All greetings

God bless you

إشـ ولاء ـراقة 07-05-2010 02:06 PM

Hello everyone
how are you going? >> don't know why question marks jumb to the other side lol!

Anyways, I'm feeling stressed. My exams are on the way, hope there will be a delay in traffic! lol :p

lets wake this chatroom up so everyone hop in and tell us something :D

ريحانتي الرسول 10-05-2010 04:58 PM

In The NameOf God

That's good , I hope to talk with you always in English ,I like English so much
I don't understand what do you mean by the subject it self! please clear that
thank you so much my dear Noor

ilia's lover 10-05-2010 10:23 PM

it's boring to even just remembering that you have a boring exam next day

إشـ ولاء ـراقة 12-05-2010 09:49 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ilia's lover (المشاركة 1117250)
it's boring to even just remembering that you have a boring exam next day

I know... it just makes me misreable :(
Assignments and exams .... -_-

بغداديه 15-05-2010 01:24 AM

hello everybody
I hope everything is ok with you

زهرة الزهراء 14-09-2010 02:26 AM

Salam everyone
it seems that you changed your mind and you don't wanna chat in English anymore :p
we have to practice my dears to improve our English
why don't you open a specific subject to talk about? ;)

your sister Zahrat Al-Zahraa

ابو جعفر البصراوي 26-09-2010 04:50 PM

.it is a good idea to open a specific topic i will ask.what do you if your close freind hert you?

الشبكة: أحد مواقع المجموعة الشيعية للإعلام

الساعة الآن: 01:09 PM.

بحسب توقيت النجف الأشرف

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