منتديات أنا شيعـي العالمية

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rafedy 11-02-2014 07:57 AM


كربلائية حسينية 16-02-2014 05:17 AM

there is a quote says :

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.

http://www.imshiaa.com/vb/images/icons/icon7.giftoday I 've done that and It feels so good

rafedy 16-02-2014 05:13 PM

very nice
I like that

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.

كربلائية حسينية 17-02-2014 03:27 AM

glad you liked it brother
take care

rafedy 18-02-2014 05:34 PM

Whenever we rise at least in the eyes of the people of our size
كلما ارتفعنا عن الناس صغرنا في اعينهم

قادمون يا قدس 16-03-2014 02:59 AM

today's my first day in this site i'm happy

كربلائية حسينية 22-03-2014 04:40 AM

I feel sorry for some people
they're carrying too much hate in their small hearts :(

they're pure evil

كربلائية حسينية 14-05-2014 02:32 AM

We're celebrating the birthday
of Imam Ali ( A.S ) and the ninth
anniversary of launching Ana Shie'e
Happy Celebrations everyone
have fun

كربلائية حسينية 31-05-2014 07:42 PM

I'm so happy ..

كربلائية حسينية 02-06-2014 09:11 PM

today is the birthday of Imam Hussain A.S we're soooooo happy

الشبكة: أحد مواقع المجموعة الشيعية للإعلام

الساعة الآن: 02:08 PM.

بحسب توقيت النجف الأشرف

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